My $10 Garlic Press is My Favorite Kitchen Tool

I love to cook. Hosting friends for dinner, cooking for big family meals, or just creating a magical meal just for me, I love it all. Cooking is my form of self-care. I taught myself to cook watching PBS and Food Network shows in college. For my birthday one year, I made two giant lasagnas and had my friends over. I formed a habit of baking chocolate chip cookies while I studied for finals every semester. It was how I managed my stress (and still do), but my friends back at American University will tell you that they all benefited as well from my personal ritual.

I’ve since graduated from the basics of lasagna and cookies and I have taken on some pretty complex recipes and menus for a crowd. I’ve cooked Thanksgiving for my very large family for many years now, and I’ve also taken on Rosh Hashanah dinner many times. I now hold quite the repertoire of culinary skills, especially for someone who learned from the TV. But I have also learned that to make something delicious and gourmet doesn’t mean you have to do everything the hardest way possible. My favorite shortcut tool is the garlic press. Why are y’all still taking the time to mince that garlic with your knife? You know it gets all sticky, and no matter how many times you wash your hands, your fingers will smell like you’ve been bathing in pool of the pungent allium for days.

I have been using my trusty OXO Garlic Press for nearly a decade. The soft handles make it comfortable to grip and squeeze, producing beautifully, evenly minced garlic almost instantly. With a quick swipe of my wooden spoon, I can incorporate the garlic into my onions, spinach, ground beef, or whatever I am cooking effortlessly. This will cut down on your prep time and keep your digits clean and stench free! OXO is a brand I know that I can trust. Their kitchen products are sturdy and dependable. As I said, I have had mine for years. But that’s not even the best part—it’s dishwasher safe! I throw mine in the top drawer of my dishwasher and I forget about it. Go ahead, make your life a little easier. It’s even a bargain, ringing in at just under ten bucks.

WATCH: Are You Eating Toxic Foreign Garlic?

Are You Eating Toxic Foreign Garlic?

Please say it isn’t so

Buy it: $9.98;