10-Foot Alligator Breaks Into Couple's Pool To Get His Hot Girl Summer Started

Martin Brenner, a resident of New Smyrna Beach in Venetian Bay, got quite the surprise on Tuesday at around 2 am when his barking dog woke him up.

It seems that the dog was barking at someone taking a dip in the family pool, and that someone just happened to be a 10-foot long alligator that had broken in and decided to cool off.

Click on Orlando reports, "He was stretched across the length of the pool,” Brenner said. “I was amazed at how he got in. He didn’t tear anything or do any damage, he just pushed out the piece of screen.”

The reptile wouldn’t get out of the pool, so Brenner said he called the police who showed up with the FWC and trappers.

“We couldn’t figure out what would have attracted him, but we have a little cat that had gotten out and we don’t know if that was the situation or what,” he said.

Brenner said the trappers had to use a bang stick to get the gator out but they were finally able to carry him out.

“It took all of us to get in and try to get him up,” he said.

Related: Alligator Enters Louisiana Home Through the Doggie Door Like It Owns the Joint

I can't even imagine waking up out of a deep sleep to find an alligator taking a dip in my pool. One of hand, I'd probably think it was super cool because let's face it, alligators are amazing. On the other hand, I'd be terrified it would somehow either eat me or one of my pets so there's that too.

How To Survive an Alligator Attack

They sure are amazing animals.<p>Ernie Hounshell/Shutterstock</p>
They sure are amazing animals.

Ernie Hounshell/Shutterstock

Alligators usually leave people alone, but sometimes they can be attracted to people when they are walking dogs, which just look like prey to alligators.

If you do see an alligator coming towards you, the first step you should take is to run. Run in a straight line as far and fast from the gator as possible. Don't try to run in a zig-zag pattern, as that'll just take you longer to go farther.

If the alligator actually gets you in its mouth, don't try to pry its jaws open! They have a bite force of 3,000 pounds.

You should smack the gator's sensitive snout, and also try to gouge the gator's eyes.

And try not to walk you dog near ponds or lakes!

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