10 Fail-Proof Workout Programs to Help You Own 2021

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Photo credit: Getty Images

From Men's Health

I SEE IT EVERY YEAR, because the annual January gym rush is the stuff of legend.

The New Year arrives, and you hit the gym armed with a resolution, for bigger arms or a bigger bench press or dominance in your next 5K run. And for a few weeks, you stick to it— only for your focus to wan come February.

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How do you prevent that from happening this year? By starting the year with a long-term plan. The great problem with New Year’s resolution fitness is that, too often, we don’t have a coordinated plan of attack. We go from one workout to the next, without considering the greater framework of how we’re training, when we’ll burn out, and what we’re trying to accomplish. And we don’t realize how long the process is.

That’s the idea behind my Ultimate 10 workout series. These 10 goal-focused workouts (think: big arms, or strong legs) will give you the direction you need. The programs were tailor-made for your success, designed by the best trainers around, and deemed good enough to run in the pages of Men's Health magazine.

Pick one that matches up with your goal, or do all of them throughout 2021. It’s the perfect way to convert New Year’s resolution into New Year’s abs.

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