Dreamily Private Places To Stay Near the South's Best National Parks and Seashores

Whether you consider yourself "outdoorsy" or not, there are certain special places across our Southern landscape that deserve spots on everyone's bucket lists. That includes the towering peaks of the Great Smoky Mountains and the sprawling wetlands of the Florida Everglades. While they might seem like polar opposites, they also share one thing in common: they've claimed a spot within our vast and diverse National Park system.

These rugged and unspoiled gems offer world-class hikes, breathtaking vistas, and ample opportunities for complete seclusion–a perfect recipe for the safe, memorable, and socially distanced vacation we all need this year. If you're ready to check some of the South's best national parks and seashores off your must-see list, here are 10 perfect places to stay nearby in solitude.