10 Creative Alternatives to the Traditional Easter Egg Hunt

You’ve staged the same old Easter egg hunt year after year. Even though the kiddos have enjoyed it in the past, you’re pretty sure there’s something better than hiding a bunch of plastic eggs behind rocks and trees. How can you next-level your Easter egg adventures? Get your child’s imagination flowing, unleash your creativity, and capture those “teachable” moments with this egg-stravaganza of special Easter hunt ideas.

1. Eye Spy: Get those critical thinking skills flowing with a question-based hunt. Hide the eggs, and when the hunt commences, start with “I spy…” and describe a landmark near an egg. Then let the littles ask questions to find their hidden treasure.

2. Scavenger Hunt: Turn the whole neighborhood into a seriously fun scavenger hunt. Create cute clues that take your kiddo from place to place, finding eggs at each stop. Add to the excitement by writing your clues on pieces of paper that you roll up and hide in plastic eggs. Stash an Easter basket full of awesomeness at the end of the hunt.

3. Buried Treasure: Who says you need to hide eggs behind flowers, bushes, and trees? Fill plastic eggs with trinkets and toys as usual, and bury them in a sand bow or a designated part of your yard for an egg-cellent excavation.

4. Animal Action: Amp up the activity factor with this easy, movement-based idea. Instead of walking, running, or skipping from egg to egg, ask your little one to hop like a bunny. Keep the pretend play going with other Easter-themed animal actions, like walking like a duck, flying like a chickie — you get the idea.

5. Artsy Eggs: Swap out store-bought plastic eggs for awesomely artsy ones. Break out the paper, markers, crayons, and tempera paints and let your crafty kid create imaginative eggs to hide. After the hunt is done, collect the eggs and display them at the Easter meal table.

6. Kids Turn: Switch things up and have the kids do the hiding! They’ll love the role reversal and will delight in watching their parents hunting for a change.

7. Obstacle Eggs: Walking up to an egg and picking it up isn’t exactly a challenge. Stage an extreme egg hunt with an obstacle course. The kids can army crawl (minus the Easter finery), jump over obstacles, and weave around the shrubs on their quest for those coveted eggs.

8. Color Coded: Help your little learner with their color recognition skills. Start by coloring eggs in a rainbow of hues — make at least three or four eggs in each color. After you hide them, make color cards by cutting solid pieces of paper into oval egg shapes. Give each child a color card and watch as they race around finding all the eggs that match their hue.

9. Egg-stra Egg: Designate one special egg as the “egg-stra special” one. Cover it in gold foil or coat it with glitter and glue. The kids can race to find the golden ticket — err, golden egg.

10. Egg Roll: The Easter Egg Roll may be a White House tradition, but the one that happens at your house is anything but traditional. After your child finds each egg, they to roll it to the next. Use a wood spoon, a stick, or anything else you have lying around to keep those eggs moving.

What’s your family’s Easter tradition? Share your pick and tweet us @BritandCo!

(Photo via Getty)