10 "Bad" Hair Mistakes You're Probably Making, And 10 "Good" Habits That'll Save Your Curly Hair

Hello, fellow naturals! It's 2023, and if you're like me, you may be thinking of ways to update your hair routine and even reach new hair goals.

woman spraying product on her curly hair
woman spraying product on her curly hair

Shameless Maya / YouTube / Via giphy.com

First, here's a little info about me: I have fine, low porosity, medium density, Type 4 hair (a mix of 3c/4a curls). I've been natural my entire life, but over the years, I've been learning how to better care for my hair in its natural state — especially since I used to straighten it all the time from middle school to high school. This year, two of my main goals with my hair are to improve its health and retain more length (since I'm on a personal hair growth journey).

arrow pointing to the author's curls

I'll usually style my hair in braid-outs, like in this photo. But lately, I've also been experimenting more with wash 'n' go's and blowouts.

Liz Richardson / BuzzFeed

I'm not a hair professional, but I love researching and learning more about natural hair, and over time, I've made my fair share of mistakes in my own routine, so today, I'm sharing some tips I've learned along the way.

three women with curly hair
Laylabird / Getty Images

So, here are some of the biggest mistakes I've made with my natural hair — and what I'm now doing instead:

And remember: Everyone's hair is unique! What works for me may not work for you. What's best for your routine may differ depending on your hair needs, porosity, goals, and lifestyle. So, feel free to take inspiration from these tips and learn what works for you!

1.BAD HABIT: Using elastic hair ties. Yes, they're cheap and easy to find in stores. But since I have fine strands, my hair tends to be more fragile, and these types of hair ties would often get tangled in my hair and create knots.

thin hair ties in the author's hand
Liz Richardson / BuzzFeed

TRY THIS INSTEAD: I've started using silk scrunchies, and I'm never going back. Scrunchies have been very trendy lately, but more importantly, I love that they have a smooth, silky texture that's gentle on my hair and reduces friction. As a bonus, they're cute and can be used in a variety of hairstyles!

arrow pointing to a scrunchie holding hair back
Liz Richardson / BuzzFeed

2.BAD HABIT: Ignoring hair porosity. Hair porosity tells you how easy it is for your hair to absorb and retain moisture. When it came to looking into new hair regimens or products, I used to mainly pay attention to whether or not it would work for my curl type. This can be helpful, but porosity can reveal so much more about what your hair strands truly need.

someone combing their curly hair in the mirror

TRY THIS INSTEAD: Now, I've been taking the time to learn more about hair porosity. I noticed a BIG difference when I started using tips for my porosity and learned what kind of products and techniques do or don't work well with my hair (which we'll get more into.)

closeup of someone combing their hair in the mirror
Peopleimages / Getty Images / iStockphoto

3.BAD HABIT: Not ~carefully~ reading hair product ingredients. When it came to buying new products, I was familiar with looking for and avoiding drying or irritating ingredients such as parabens and sulfates. But I didn't realize how many products can have other ingredients that my hair in particular doesn't like.

shelves full of hair product

TRY THIS INSTEAD: Now, I read every single ingredient listed on a product before purchasing it. I especially keep an eye out for any ingredients — such as added protein — that aren't always advertised on the product up front. While I DO use protein treatments every few weeks to strengthen my hair, I try to avoid daily use of products with protein.

closeup of a hair product with an arrow around the boxed area where protein is listed in the ingredients

4.BAD HABIT: Skipping wash day. You know how it is: sometimes, wash days can take hours in one day; sometimes you're feeling lazy, and other times, you're simply too busy.

pump bottle and hair massager

Either way, there were multiple times I'd end up delaying my wash day for a few more days — especially if my hair still looked and felt fine.

Catherine Falls Commercial / Getty Images

TRY THIS INSTEAD: Now that I've been very consistent in my wash routine, I'm seeing how it's transforming my hair. I was previously concerned about over-washing my hair — thinking it would strip my hair of moisture — but the more consistent I've been in my wash routine, the more my hair feels hydrated, and my curls have become healthier and more defined.

someone blow drying their curls

5.BAD HABIT: Styling my hair in a rush. I'm sure you've been there: you wake up, have somewhere to go, and you have to think of a style QUICK so you can get out the door.

Oftentimes, this would have me combing through my hair quickly (and accidentally roughly) or not properly detangling, and this would cause unnecessary breakage. 

Oftentimes, this would have me combing through my hair quickly (and accidentally roughly) or not properly detangling, and this would cause unnecessary breakage.

Dima Berlin / Getty Images / iStockphoto

TRY THIS INSTEAD: I take my time doing my hair — and I make sure to do it ~gently~. This includes making sure my hair is well saturated with water before combing through it, making sure I'm detangling slowly from the ends of my hair to the root, and being extra careful with the delicate parts of my hair — such as my edges or the ends of my hair.

back of a woman's head with her hair sectioned off in tiny buns
Peathegee Inc / Getty Images / Tetra images RF

6.BAD HABIT: Not keeping up with professional trims. OK, I'll admit it — a few months ago, I looked for a new stylist and had my first professional trim in YEARS. Why did I wait so long? Honestly, I once went to a hairdresser who cut wayyy more hair off than needed (and honestly, finding a trusted local stylist can be challenging). So, after that, I just started trimming my hair myself, but that didn't exactly keep my ends as healthy as they could be.

woman getting her hair cut in a salon

TRY THIS INSTEAD: I plan to schedule professional trims throughout the year that work with my hair goals. And in between my appointments, I care for my ends by snipping any single-strand knots or split ends that pop up so they don't cause further breakage. But how often should you get trims? I've heard a wide range of advice, but most experts recommend getting a trim every three to four months, depending on the health of your hair.

different hair tools laid out
Vladee / Getty Images / iStockphoto

7.BAD HABIT: Trying too many products at a time. When I first started experimenting with my curls, I absolutely loved buying new products. I watched allllll the YouTube tutorials, and if I discovered a product that seemed to work well, I wanted to try it...and this got expensive.

various bottles and serums

I ended up having a lot of products that I wasn't even using regularly. And I wasn't figuring out a simple routine with staple products that I knew worked for me.

Vera Livchak / Getty Images

TRY THIS INSTEAD: While I still love trying out new hair products, I've limited my shopping by making sure I'm buying what I need, and I try not to buy another product until I'm done with the one I'm currently using. For example, if I want to try a new deep conditioner but I currently have a deep conditioner that I'm using, I'll finish that one up before purchasing the next one. It's a simple change, but it works!

woman in a bath towel touching her neck

Also, consistency is key — so, instead of always feeling the need to buy the latest product on the market, I'd recommend finding out which ones you love and creating a consistent routine so you can actually see results.

Prostock-studio / Getty Images / iStockphoto

8.BAD HABIT: Not thinking about how nutrition can affect the health of my hair. I'd typically follow a balanced diet, but I never thought deeply about how certain foods can actually improve the health of your hair.

hands cutting up a banana
Marko Geber / Getty Images

TRY THIS INSTEAD: I've been learning more about how to fuel my body with the right foods and how certain foods can encourage healthy hair and a healthy scalp. Oh, and I'm doing my best to stay hydrated and making sure I'm drinking the recommended amount of water every day.

water being poured into a glass

And if you have any particular hair health concerns or issues, you should see a doctor and/or a dermatologist.

Stefania Pelfini, La Waziya Phot / Getty Images

9.BAD HABIT: Being afraid of heat. I think every natural has heard of the advice to avoid heat at all costs. I mean, yes — if you're using excessive heat and/or not using a heat protectant, you're ~probably~ going to experience heat damage at some point.

a flat iron being used on a hair

TRY THIS INSTEAD: I now realize that using heat ~strategically~ can actually help my hair routine. For example, I've found that my hair LOVES deep conditioning with heat (like using the hooded dryer on low heat while deep conditioning), as the heat helps to open the hair cuticles so my hair can better absorb the product.

woman sitting under a hooded hair dryer

Also, having my hair blow-dried or getting a silk press every now and then has been helpful to spot split ends and get a proper trim.

Yellow Dog Productions / Getty Images

10.And finally, this BAD HABIT: Not enjoying my hair journey. I used to dread wash days, compare my hair with others, and get annoyed at any setbacks — which all made my doing my hair feel like a chore.

woman smiling with making her hair twirl
F.j. Jimenez / Getty Images

TRY THIS INSTEAD: I get it. Caring for your hair can take time and effort, but I'm a HUGE advocate for loving your hair at every point in your journey. Black hair is beautiful at ALL lengths and ALL textures.

woman smiling with curly hair

Discovering what my hair loves, trying out new styles, and embracing my natural texture has made my journey so much fun. Caring for my hair has become my version of self-care. Like, my wash day is ME TIME. LOL.

Miniseries / Getty Images

Anyway, that's all we have for today. Yay for new and improved haircare in the new year!

two students saying, b-t dubs, your hair is everything
two students saying, b-t dubs, your hair is everything


What natural hair mistakes have you made in the past? Which tips are helping you in your hair journey? Let me know in the comments below!