Here Are the 10 Best Ways To Prevent the Flu

Want to know how to prevent the flu? It's a topic that's top of mind for all of us this time of year, especially with "get your flu shot" reminders in every pharmacy and grocery store and fears of a "twindemic" thanks to our ongoing battle with coronavirus.

Of course, you absolutely should get a flu shot—it’s still the most effective way to prevent the flu.  "A flu shot won't prevent all strains of flu, but it's good in helping prevent strains that are related to the shot," says Dr. Jason Littleton, MD, department chair of family medicine at Orlando Regional Medical Center in Orlando, Florida. "We're all walking a tightrope every season—if you have a flu shot, you're walking that tightrope over a net in case you fall. Without a flu shot, there's nothing there to catch you—and that's how you get sick."

There are more smart ways to reduce your risk of catching the virus completely, too—and if you do get the flu, you can shorten your bout with it. Try these 10 scientifically proven tips to help prevent the flu or diminish symptoms.

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10 Best Ways To Prevent the Flu

1. Get Your Flu Shot When You're Happy

Researchers from the University of Nottingham in the UK report that being in a good mood on the day you get vaccinated causes an 8-14 percent boost in the effectiveness of the flu shot. 

Their study found that subjects who reported feeling good emotionally had more flu antibodies in their blood post-vaccination; the researchers believe this is because positive emotions helps the immune system process the medicine better, thus upping your protection."Biological links between the experience of positive emotions, the brain, and the immune system may play a role," says study co-author Kieran Ayling. "Other researchers have previously shown certain chemicals are released in the brain in response to positive emotions, such as dopamine. In turn, these chemicals can interact with immune cells and organs." Re-watch your favorite Seinfeld episode while getting ready to get your shot, then hug your spouse on your way out the door—positive feelings guaranteed!

2. Watch where you walk

The flu isn't just spread by droplets released via coughing and sneezing—you can exhale infectious particles as well, and these infectious particles can stay in the air even after you're gone from an area.

"Studies of how long influenza viruses persist in the air suggest that although they gradually lose the ability to infect, they can remain infectious for a fairly long time—at least one hour to many hours," Donald J. Milton, a lead study author of a University of Maryland study on this topic, said. "Staying out of poorly ventilated places occupied by people with flu-like illness would seem to make sense."  (If they are coughing or sneezing a lot, really don't take a chance.)  Circle around spots where ill folks have been standing or sitting recently if you can, and if you can't, wearing a mask can offer you protection.

Related: What Foods To Eat When You Have the Flu

3. Blow your nose gently

Most people are too forceful. Lightly blow only one nostril at a time—if you block both nostrils at once, you're generating too much pressure within your nose, which could send fluid into your sinuses and cause an infection or, in rare cases, could even cause damage to your lungs, skull or esophagus.

4. Eat pumpkin

Research shows that this tasty gourd packs a powerful immunity-boosting punch, due to its high concentrations of zinc and beta-carotene. Enjoy a whole grain pumpkin muffin for breakfast, and when you're hungry during the day, down a handful of pumpkin seeds. It just might help prevent the flu.

5. Wean yourself off decongestants

It's easy to get momentary relief from a squirt of nasal spray—but using a decongestant for more than a few days in a row can make your stuffy nose worse in a sort of rebound effect, according to the Mayo Clinic. Instead, use spray only when you need it, and if your congestion isn't getting better a few days after you taper off using it, call your doctor for advice.

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6. Skip the sports drinks—there's a better way to re-hydrate

Sports drinks contain too much sugar and not enough sodium or potassium to do the job when you're dehydrated from the flu and have a fever. Instead, an oral rehydration salt solution works much better. It's easy to make: just combine one quart of water, half a teaspoon of salt and six level teaspoons of sugar. You can also add a half cup of orange juice or a mashed-up banana to increase the drink's potassium content. Sip the solution throughout the day to restore your energy.

Related: How Long Does the Flu Really Last? Here's What It Means if You Feel Sick Weeks Later

7. Move around for five minutes

A brief stretch of light cardiovascular exercise, like walking around your house, can move the lymphatic fluid around your system, which can help you feel better. "Lymphatic fluid stimulates your white blood cells, which are illness-fighting cells," explains Dr. Littleton.  Try this as long as you don't have a fever—if you do, don't exercise at all.

8. Enjoy that glass of red wine

A study from Washington University School of Medicine found that a microbe in the gut that can potentially prevent severe flu infections works by breaking down the flavonoids found in your favorite rosé, as well as in black tea and blueberries. Start consuming tea and berries (and red wine in moderation) before flu season starts to give this mechanism time to really kick in and become most protective.

Related: What's the Difference Between a Cold and the Flu?

9. Moisturize more

A dry environment is the flu virus's favorite playground. "Your mucus membranes dry out when there's no water in the air, and you can become dehydrated," says Dr. Littleton. "If you come into contact with the flu virus and your mucus membranes are dry, the virus will stick much easier to those membranes, like inside your nose or mouth, and you'll be more likely to get sick. Drink eight ounces of water per hour in any dry room or while you're on a plane, and put Vaseline around your nostrils.  Avoid caffeine and alcohol, too, which can be dehydrating. A humidifier in your home or office makes you less susceptible too."

10.  Be direct with your doctor

You probably assume your healthcare providers all have their flu shots, but guess what?  Research shows this isn't always the case (just 70 percent of hospitals require their staffers to get immunized, according to one study).  Don't be shy about making sure your doctor's staff is vaccinated since they are surrounded by the virus daily.  "Ask your doctor, 'Do you and your staff members all have flu shots?  Is everyone required to get them here?''' suggests Dr. Littleton. "If you see that your doctor didn't wash his or her hands before examining you, it's OK to ask for that to happen; if you see a healthcare worker who looks sick, consider returning to the office at a later date." A responsible doctor will understand your concerns, and address them properly—and by speaking up proactively, you'll keep yourself healthy.

Next up: 8 Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water
