10 Best Onion Companion Plants to Grow Together

For natural pest control and other perks, plant onions beside these top companion plants.

Their strong scent and low growth habit make onions suitable companion plants for many vegetables, herbs, and flowers. Onions are so versatile in the garden that it can be challenging to decide where to locate them since they grow well with most other plants. Because onions are so good at repelling pests, the best place to grow your onion companion plants is near others most vulnerable to pests. Below are some top recommended onion companion plants, but if you have other plants prone to pests, you may also want to plant onions near those.

Related: 10 Best Garlic Companion Plants to Grow Together

Cruciferous Vegetables

Marty Baldwin
Marty Baldwin

Cruciferous vegetables, like broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and kale, are perfect onion companion plants. Onions’ strong aroma naturally repels cabbage loopers and other pests that target cruciferous vegetables. Additionally, onions and cruciferous vegetables are heavy-feeding plants, so they both benefit from regular fertilizer applications.


Stephen Cridland
Stephen Cridland

Similarly, strawberries are also prone to pest invasions. Onions help to repel many of the most common strawberry pests. Onions and strawberries are both low-growing plants, so they generally won’t compete for sunlight or other necessities.


<p>Bob Stefko</p>

Bob Stefko

Onions repel many insects that feed on beets, including flea beetles and aphids. Deer and rabbits also avoid onions, which can help protect your beet greens from these voracious garden visitors. Because beets and onions are both root crops, they also have similar growing needs and prefer deep, loose soil.

Related: 8 Insect-Repelling Plants that Work Naturally to Send Bugs Packing


<p>Better Homes and Gardens</p>

Better Homes and Gardens

Onion companion plants appear to keep away the destructive carrot fly, a pest that can stunt the growth of carrots and even destroy entire plantings. Because both plants are root vegetables, they have similar growing needs and prefer regular watering and loose, deep soil. What’s more, carrots and onions are both cool season vegetables that can be planted early in the season before many other vegetable types.


Kindra Clineff
Kindra Clineff

Lettuce is a fast-growing vegetable; interplanting it with your onions is a smart way to get the most out of your garden. While waiting for your onion bulbs to fill out, you may get a garden harvest or two of lettuce. Even better, lettuce has very short roots so that it won’t compete with onion bulbs for soil space.


Bob Stefko
Bob Stefko

Peppers and onions don’t just pair well in the kitchen; pepper and onion companion plants are also perfect partners in the garden. Onions’ strong aroma repels many garden pests and can keep deer and rabbits from browsing on your bell peppers. Pepper plants are also taller than onions, leaving plenty of room for onions to grow underneath.

Related: 10 Best Companion Plants for Peppers


<p>Erica George Dines</p>

Erica George Dines

If you want to make homemade salsa, you definitely need to leave some room in your garden for growing tomatoes with onion companion plants. When planted together, onions will help to keep your tomatoes pest-free, and tomatoes’ larger leaves can shield the soil around your onions and prevent them from drying out as quickly. Additionally, both plants need plenty of nutrients, and they have similar growing needs.


<p>Matthew Benson</p>

Matthew Benson

Chamomile is a delicate herb with small, daisy-like flowers frequently used for herbal teas. When planted with onions, chamomile is thought to improve the flavor and growth of your onion bulbs. Chamomile is also very easy to grow from seed and is small-space friendly.


<p>Bob Stefko</p>

Bob Stefko

Sowing plants in the same family is generally not recommended as they can be susceptible to the same pests and diseases. However, because leeks and onions are naturally repellant to most pests, these two plants can usually be sown together without any issues. They also have the same growing needs, and planting them in the same bed can simplify your gardening tasks. 

Related: 5 Essential Tasks to Prepare Your Garden for a Gorgeous Spring

Summer Savory

Jason Donnelly
Jason Donnelly

Summer savory is a less commonly used annual herb that tastes a bit like marjoram and thyme. When grown with onion companion plants, it will repel most pests affecting your onions. Growing summer savory near onions is also thought to improve the growth of your onion bulbs and may sweeten their flavor.

More Companion Plants for Your Edible Garden

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