10 Beauty Lessons We Learned From 'Sex and the City'

Carrie Bradshaw may not have anticipated the recent return of stylish designer-branded scrunchies, but the Sex and the City heroine got plenty else right: subtle shimmer, come-as-you-are curls, a lit-from-within glow . . . In other words, two decades since its debut episode, the show’s beauty cues—not to mention its sartorial signatures!—are as relevant as ever. In honor of Sex and the City’s 20th anniversary today, a look at the 10 best pieces of advice Carrie and company have to offer.

1. You’re never too old for pigtails . . .

2. . . . or a touch of divine shine.

3. There’s no excuse for skimping on your crunches: A strong, chiseled core is a 365 days a year requisite.

4. Crimped, straightened, or slicked-back tight, every woman needs a good beauty wild card in her arsenal.

5. There’s nothing like crowdsourcing your next lip color at the beauty counter. It’s the perfect place to trade gossip while landing on a rich red.

6. Daily cardio sweat sessions double as a natural endorphin high—and an opportunity to meet your next suitor.

7. A confidence-boosting touch-up comes down to the right anytime, anywhere compact.

8. Always be pedicured. You never know when a fashion fairy godmother (or godfather) will give you a 50 percent discount on your summer dream sandals.

9. If you’re going to leave a sleepover beauty stash at your significant other’s, always, always strategize before doing so.

10. Forget the Fitbit. A workout buddy (or three) is all you need to stay on track.

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