The #1 Trick for the Juiciest Burgers

This secret ingredient is already in your fridge.

<p>Dotdash Meredith Food Studios</p>

Dotdash Meredith Food Studios

Picture this. You've been craving a burger all day long and decide that’s what you’re making for dinner. You carefully cook it up, add a slice of your favorite cheese, some burger sauce, and other fixings, plate it up with potato chips on the side, bite into it, and—much to your dismay—it’s dry!

If you’ve been there, you know the extreme disappointment. You may have used the same burger meat combination or pre-made burger patties you’ve used before with good results, but this time, your burger is a culinary failure.

What if we told you there was a way to decrease your chances of a dry burger by adding just one ingredient? Even better, it’s probably already in your refrigerator

The 1-Ingredient Secret for Juicier Burgers

Even if you use 80/20 ground beef with a decent amount of fat in it, your burgers can still turn out dry. This trick for creating juicier burgers adds more fat to the mix in the form of butter. Yes, the same secret to perfectly flaky biscuits works on burgers, too!

There are butter burger recipes that use the fat in other parts of the prep, such as frying the burger in butter or spreading butter on the bun. Those methods may add flavor, but don't necessarily stop the beef patty from drying out. This method puts the butter right into the ground beef, assuring that there is more fat in the patty to keep it juicy.

Here’s what to do:

  1. For each 1/4 pound of ground beef, you’ll want 1 tablespoon of butter in stick form.

  2. Freeze the butter until it’s hard enough to grate. If you’re making burgers out of 1 pound of ground beef, you’ll want to freeze 4 tablespoons of butter (half of the average stick).

  3. When the butter is frozen enough to easily pass through a box grater, grate it using the largest holes.

  4. Add the grated butter to your ground beef, along with whatever seasonings you choose, and then form burger patties.

  5. Cook them on your stovetop or grill.

The grated butter will melt into the ground beef, keeping the burger juicy. If you want to see this method in action, @certifiedangusbeef demonstrated the technique on its TikTok account, and even a well-done burger has plenty of moisture in it after it’s fully cooked.

As one of the account’s followers who made burgers with grated butter said, “This is a burger from the gods.”

If you plan on firing up the grill soon, we recommend placing a stick of butter in the freezer now so you'll have some frozen and ready to go.

Read the original article on All Recipes.