This Is the #1 Best Way To Eat Eggs if You Want To Lose Weight, According to Registered Dietitians

While the conversation around eggs has ranged from "eggs will give you a heart attack" to "eggs are amazing for you," these days, the consensus is that, in general, eggs are pretty darn healthy.

Yes, egg yolks do contain a decent amount of cholesterol, but experts are of the mind that the nutritional profile of eggs outweighs the risks associated with cholesterol intake, and The American Heart Association says eating an egg a day is part of a healthy diet.

"Eggs have a bad rap that has remained since the '70s due to their cholesterol, but it has been proven for some time now that dietary cholesterol does not raise our cholesterol," says registered dietitian Cesar Sauza. "Eggs do contain 1.6 grams of saturated fat but we do need a certain amount of saturated fat and this is where it should come from, not from highly processed foods like chips and desserts."

Related: How to Make Air Fryer Hard 'Boiled' Eggs

Eggs can be a great food to eat if you want to lose weight too. "Eggs are an amazing weight loss food," says Ana Reisdorf, a registered dietitian and co-founder of The Food Trends. "They are high in protein, versatile and cheap when compared to other sources of protein, even with the increase in prices lately."

One large egg has 78 calories and 6 grams of protein. So, one egg can be very filling—but there are very few calories in it. There's a catch, though: if you prepare eggs in certain ways, you'll probably cancel out the weight loss benefits. Here's what to know about the best way to prepare eggs for weight loss, and the egg preparation method to avoid.

The Best Way To Prepare Eggs if You Want To Lose Weight

So, what's the best way to eat eggs if weight loss is your goal? Sauza and Reisdorf are in agreement that you can't go wrong with hard-boiled eggs. "Boiled eggs are the best way to keep calories down since no additional fat is needed," Sauza explains. Plus, they make an easy and filling afternoon snack!

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Not a fan of hard-boiled eggs? No problem. "Any preparation that does not involve adding a ton of additional fat to eggs is great, as they are already a good source of fat," Reisdorf says. "This could mean scrambled eggs with some salsa and spinach, hard-boiled eggs as a snack, or poached eggs with a piece of whole wheat toast."

Related: How to Tell If Your Eggs Are Bad, According to Food Experts

"I love traditional scrambled eggs with an avocado oil spray to minimize fat content (compared to using butter or other vegetable oils)," Sauza says. "I recommend propellant-free spray oils to avoid any potentially harmful additives."

And, he explains, "An egg scramble or omelet with your favorite vegetables is an easy way to kick off the day with a nutrient powerhouse breakfast. Adding veggies to eggs will provide fiber on top of the protein, further increasing satiety and helping keep portions down for the rest of the day."

Related: Here's What Happens to Your Body If You Eat Eggs Every Day

The Worst Way To Prepare Eggs When You Want To Lose Weight

While eggs are a great food for weight loss, if you're adding in unhealthy elements, you'll negate many of those benefits. "Any type of fried eggs will have significantly more fat," Sauza says. "Eggs are typically fried with butter or vegetable oils. Adding just 1 tablespoon of butter increases saturated fat by 400% (7 grams of saturated fat)."

And eggs benedict, while delicious, can also wreak havoc on your weight loss goals. "Eggs Benedict is one of the worst ways to eat eggs due to the hollandaise sauce—providing around 10 additional grams of saturated fat," Sauza adds.

Long story short: If you're trying to lose weight, incorporating eggs into your diet is an excellent idea—just steer clear of the butter and hollandaise sauce!

Next up: 100 of Our Best Egg Recipes for Morning, Noon and Night
