This Is the #1 Best Food for Anxiety, According to a Registered Dietitian and a Psychologist

Here's what you should load up on—and what you should avoid.

If you struggle with anxiety, what you eat and drink every day can have a major impact on managing your anxiety.

“Diet can have either a positive or negative impact on anxiety by addressing the underlying metabolic systems that are associated with anxiety, including inflammation, the microbiome, and nutrients that are necessary to optimize brain chemistry and blood sugar,” says Maxine Smith, RD, a registered dietitian with Cleveland Clinic's Center for Human Nutrition. “These can act in both positive and negative ways.”

“Foods that are part of a Mediterranean, anti-inflammatory diet have lots of variables that are associated with less anxiety,” says Smith.

And one food, in particular, can have major benefits for your anxiety. The #1 food for anxiety? Mandarin oranges.

“They are small, portable and sweet which helps check off the craving for something sweet and comforting but offers just the right nutrients,” says Dr. Susan Albers, PsyD, a psychologist with Behavioral Health at Cleveland Clinic. “They contain vitamin C which is perfect for helping your immune system when under stress and anxiety.”

She adds that studies have shown that the aroma of citrus is calming, which is why a citrus scent is pumped into spas and hotels—it promotes a feeling of instant zen.

Another bonus of eating Mandarin oranges? The peeling.

“Peeling a Mandarin orange can be meditative and distracting, just what you need to get you out of your anxious thoughts,” adds Dr. Albers. “While you peel, focus on a positive thought for each segment. Hold the Mandarin orange up to your nose, close your eyes and deeply inhale for a count of three.”

Other Foods for Anxiety

If you are looking to add more foods into your diet that can help you manage anxiety, here are a few to add to your grocery list:

Pumpkin seeds

“Pumpkin seeds are a great snack to prevent anxiety because they contain zinc and magnesium. In fact, pumpkin seeds are one of the world's best natural sources of magnesium,” says Dr. Albers. “Magnesium is known to help people relax and chill. Pumpkin seeds also promote sleep. When you get sufficient sleep, it can help you to cope more effectively with situations that trigger anxiety. The chewing motion when munching on pumping seeds can also trigger a calming response.”

Brazil nuts

“Brazil nuts can be a game changer for anxiety. All you need is two a day,” says Dr. Albers. “This has been found to have as much selenium as a supplement.”

Seafood (oysters, crab, tuna, sardines, shrimp)

These are all good sources of zinc and selenium, which helps create neurotransmitters and promote the health of the nervous system,” says Smith. “Many fishes are rich in the amino acid tryptophan, which is the building block for the mood-modulating neurotransmitter serotonin.”

Worst Foods for Anxiety

There is evidence that certain dietary patterns are associated with anxiety: A high-fat diet, inadequate tryptophan and dietary protein, and high intake of sugar and refined carbohydrates, per a 2021 study.

If you struggle with anxiety, here are a few foods you should consider removing from your diet:

Tacos, pretzels and frozen meals

“Whatever you do, steer clear of tacos, pretzels and frozen meals when you feel anxious,” says Dr. Albers. “These are all extraordinarily high in sodium. Excessive salt intake can increase your blood pressure, thus boosting anxiety.”

Caffeinated drinks or foods (like coffee and chocolate)

“When you are already feeling anxious, slight amounts of caffeine can speed up your nervous system and mimic the characteristics of anxiety,” explains Dr. Albers. “Even trace amounts can tip the anxious person over the edge into an extreme anxiety response.”

High sugar foods

“High sugar foods displace other nutrient-rich foods in the diet disrupt a healthy balance of bacteria in the gut (microbiome), increase inflammation, and decrease immunity, which has been tied to anxiety,” says Smith. “It can cause blood sugar highs and lows which in turn can cause mood swings, particularly when combined with caffeine, such as in soda and energy drinks.”

If you are struggling to pinpoint which foods may be making your anxiety better or worse, Dr. Albers suggests keeping a food journal.

“I recommend that people keep a journal and log the foods they eat,” says Dr. Albers. “Track your anxiety level from one to 10 at the end of the day. It’s likely that you will notice a pattern to which foods exacerbate anxiety and which ones soothe your mood.”

She also notes that there are “3 Ms’” to avoid when you are feeling anxious when it comes to eating.

Mindlessness Foods: “These are any foods that take no effort whatsoever to prepare. Things right out of a bag or box, such as a sleeve of crackers or a box of cookies,” says Dr. Albers. “Preparing and plating food slows you down, like a bowl of soup or a sandwich, which you have to prepare. When you are anxious, it’s easy to eat an entire plate before you are even aware of it.”

Munching: “This is any food that you can pop into your mouth like cereal, pretzels, popcorn, small candies,” says Dr. Albers. “This motion is rhythmic and can lead to munching to soothe. It’s a recipe for anxious eating.”

Masks: “Certain foods like processed foods and sugary snacks instantly change your feelings. The spike in glucose changes your emotions quickly,” explains Dr. Albers. “But it is like a temporary Band-aid to feelings, but can exacerbate the anxiety in the long run. The immediate drop in blood sugar can make you feel anxious.”
