The #1 Anti-Inflammatory Food You Should Eat Every Day if You Want To Live to 100

Anti-inflammatory food

While there isn't one sure way to live into the triple digits, there are plenty of scientific studies showing just how connected diet is to longevity. It’s pretty empowering to think that it’s possible to add years to your life simply through what you eat.

Specifically, many scientific studies show the power a diet high in anti-inflammatory foods can have when it comes to longevity. Anti-inflammatory foods are foods that contain compounds that reduce inflammation in the body. While all anti-inflammatory foods are beneficial, there’s one in particular that registered dietitians recommend eating every single day if you want to live to be 100.

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The Connection Between Anti-Inflammatory Foods and Longevity

Dr. Lina Begdache, PhD, RDN, a dietitian and Assistant Professor of Health and Wellness Studies at Binghamton University, State University of New York, says that anti-inflammatory foods are so beneficial for health because they signal the immune system to turn off inflammation. “Many of these foods also have an antioxidant effect, which is needed to clean the oxidative damage caused by inflammation,” she explains.

Susan Bowerman, MS, RD, CSSD, CSOWM, FAND, the Senior Director of Worldwide Nutrition Education and Training at Herbalife, explains that chronic, low-grade inflammation occurs when the body experiences a persistent activation of the immune system. “This condition can be exacerbated by sugars, salt and highly processed foods which act by changing the makeup of the gut bacteria and switching on inflammatory genes inside cells,” she says. Bowerman explains that chronic inflammation has been linked to heart disease, type-2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and common forms of cancer.

Both experts explain that an anti-inflammatory diet is rich in compounds that can help reduce chronic inflammation which, in turn, reduces the risk of the common chronic diseases associated with it. This leads to a longer and healthier life.

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The Number One Anti-Inflammatory Food To Eat Every Day for a Long Life

Fortunately, there is no shortage of anti-inflammatory foods. Vegetables, fruit, whole grains, beans, legumes, fish and olive oil are all anti-inflammatory. If you want one anti-inflammatory food to start with, Bowerman recommends focusing on leafy greens and even recommends that people eat them every single day. “Leafy green vegetables like spinach, kale, collards, mustard greens and deep green salad greens top my list. Many people don’t eat enough of them, but they are extremely nutrient-dense. They are sources of an abundance of phytonutrients as well as beta-carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A as needed. They also contain minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium and fiber as well as are a source of water,” she says.

Scientific studies back up the connection between regularly eating leafy greens and longevity. One study found that people who ate one to two servings of greens daily were the equivalent of being 11 years younger than people who didn't regularly eat them.

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Bowerman says that the beauty of leafy greens is that they’re incredibly easy to incorporate into meals. “They can be eaten raw in salads, tossed into soups, stews and stir-fried dishes, added to omelets and egg dishes or whirled in the blender with fruit, nonfat milk and protein powder for a healthy smoothie,” she explains.

In addition to eating leafy greens every day, Dr. Begdache recommends making extra-virgin olive oil your primary cooking oil and eating wild-caught fatty fish twice a week. “I strongly believe in the Mediterranean diet, which is loaded with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant foods, which also encompasses olive oil and fish. The Mediterranean diet is associated with lower risk of chronic diseases, better mental health and resilience to stress, which is important for improving quality of life,” she says.

In addition to prioritizing anti-inflammatory foods, Bowerman explains that anyone who wants to live to be 100 should minimize ultra-processed foods, which cause inflammation. Just as anti-inflammatory foods can add years to your life, foods that cause inflammation can shorten it.

Besides diet, regular exercise is another cornerstone of longevity. “We know that exercise reduces the risk of chronic diseases. Cardiovascular exercise boosts the capacity of the body to produce its own antioxidant enzymes, which may explain why those who exercise regularly tend to suffer from less chronic diseases and may live longer in general,” Dr. Begdache says.

Eating primarily anti-inflammatory foods and exercising regularly are two habits that play an important role in longevity. Put them into practice and you’ll be taking active steps to add years to your life.

Next up, find out how a simple mindset tweak can add 7.5 years to your life.
