Garnier Tries To Scare 'Fatigued' Working Moms Into Buying Beauty Products

As if professional women don't have enough to worry about, a new Garnier ad suggests busy moms should feel guilty about their aging skin.

The March spot from Garnier International follows a working mom from the beginning of her day to the end of it. One photograph is taken of her right after she gets ready in the morning (makeup on, hair blow-dried), and one at 9 p.m. In that time she's dropped her kids off at school, spent a full day at the office, worked out at the gym, picked her kids up and put them to sleep.


But, seriously... can you even tell these two photos apart?

A man with an iPad shows both images to people on the street at different times, and asks the strangers to guess how old the woman is. With the first photo, the people interviewed guess that the woman is between 26 and 32. With the second photo, the general consensus is between 36 and 40. The spot is set up much like the "social experiments" depicted in Dove ads -- except instead of pushing the idea that everyone is beautiful, the advertisement ends with the fear-mongering message: "In only one day, fatigue can age you by 5 years." But don't worry! Garnier "miracle" skin products to the rescue! Ladies, get your credit cards ready.

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Any woman who has primped a bit in the morning and then gone about her day -- regardless of whether she has children -- knows that one does not look as freshly made-up after 12 hours of running around as she did in the morning. And we have a sneaking suspicion that no amount of Garnier products would change that. Worrying about whether your skin has "aged" over the course of the day -- and what total strangers on the street have to say about it -- is frankly, a waste of time. "Into A Woman's Skin" just plays into the idea that a woman's youth and conventional beauty are the things that define her ultimate value. And that's just bullsh*t.

In the wise words of Amy Poehler: "Fighting aging is like the War on Drugs. It's expensive, does more harm than good, and has been proven to never end."

We'll happily give up the fight and enjoy living instead.

H/T Creativity

Sandra Bullock

<strong>“The only man in my life is my son, and it’s probably going to stay this way for a while ...I go to bed wearing a very baggy one-piece cheetah suit, just because it makes my son laugh. My sexy lingerie has been locked in a drawer for a while!” -<a href="" target="_blank">Sandra Bullock</a>, mom to Louis </strong>   <em> CORRECTION: An earlier version of this caption misspelled Sandra Bullock's first name.</em>


<strong>"I'm not going to lie -- it's hard work having four kids and doing all the work I do. Sometimes I cope with it very well, sometimes it's a struggle ... It's a challenge juggling everything -- multi-tasking is my middle name. I try to express that." -<a href="" target="_blank">Madonna</a>, mom to Lourdes, Rocco, David and Mercy</strong>

Padma Lakshmi

<strong>“In truth, I am a single mother. But I don’t feel alone at all in parenting my daughter ... Krishna has a whole other side of her family who loves her, too. And so Krishna is parented by me, but also by her grandmother and aunts and cousins and uncles and friends. The more who encompass her, the more different kinds of people who are in Krishna’s life, the better off she is." -<a href="" target="_blank">Padma Lakshmi</a>, mom to Krishna</strong>

Jennifer Lopez

<strong>“I am a non-traditional family. Me being a single mom, their dad doesn’t live at home with them. They have three stepbrothers from two moms…that’s not traditional. [But family] is about love and that’s what I constantly remind myself of because I kind of let society get inside my head, ‘Oh, it shouldn’t be like this. I did this, I did that. I failed.' And it’s like, no. They’re happy, they’re healthy, they’re loved more than anything in the world and they’re going to be fine. I want them to know that." -Jennifer Lopez, mom to Max and Emme </strong>

January Jones

<strong>“People keep saying, ‘Oh poor you, being a single mom,’ but I don’t want to be pitied. I can do anything I want to do. I work, I date, I have friends. I have time for everything I had time for before. I just have an added amazing thing in my life. I have a great family and friends, and I know they’d be there if I needed help, but I feel like I’m doing fine on my own.” -<a href="" target="_blank">January Jones,</a> mom to Xander </strong>

Teri Hatcher

<strong> "The one thing I never feel secure about is the way I parent." -<a href=",,20363110_20366403_20776987,00.html" target="_blank">Teri Hatcher,</a> mom to Emerson </strong>
"The one thing I never feel secure about is the way I parent." -Teri Hatcher, mom to Emerson

Michelle Williams

<strong>"You make it work. You keep getting out of bed. Sometimes it's just because you know there's a cup of coffee downstairs." -Michelle Williams, <a href="" target="_blank">mom to Matilda </a></strong>

Heidi Klum

<strong>"Schedule. You have to schedule. When you have four kids especially, they all have different things that they like to do, different friends, and different interests. So, to make sure that they all get what they individually deserve, you have to make sure that they get it." -<a href="" target="_blank">Heidi Klum</a>, mom to Leni, Henry, Johan and Lou</strong>

Sheryl Crow

<strong>"The only advice I have is that there will never seem like a great time to [adopt as a single mom] -- just like when you're married, it never seems like the perfect time to have a baby. So you dive in and make your life work." -<a href="" target="_blank">Sheryl Crow,</a> mom to Wyatt and Levi</strong>

Mary-Louise Parker

<strong>"Becoming a mom is the best thing that's happened to me. I'll be the first to admit that it can be very hard to raise two kids, but I absolutely love it. I can't imagine what my life would be without my children." -<a href=",,20315591,00.html" target="_blank">Mary-Louise Parker</a>, mom to William and Caroline</strong>

Minnie Driver

<strong>“It’s the greatest love affair of my life, with this baby. I’m a single mom, [but] his dad is amazing and in his life. I don’t feel alone. Babies attract love…They attract people who love them.” -<a href="" target="_blank">Minnie Driver</a>, mom to Henry </strong>

Connie Britton

<strong>“Being a single mom is challenging, but never in a million years would that have stopped me. You get an idea in your head and you’re going to do it ... People can tell you how hard marriage is or how hard it is to birth a baby, but we do these things. We want the journey of that.” -<a href="" target="_blank">Connie Britton</a>, mom to Yoby </strong>

Denise Richards

<strong>“The best gift a parent can give children is time ... Single moms need to know it's okay to have a little 'me' time. You'll feel refreshed and you'll be a better mom!" -<a href="" target="_blank">Denise Richards</a>, mom to Sam, Lola and mom to Eloise </strong>

This article originally appeared on HuffPost.