Why You Should Keep Your Expectations Low (Really)

The truth is, we have no control over most things in life. So why do we always hold high expectations? (Photo: Stocksy/Marija Savic) 

Dan Millman is one of the stand-out authors, speakers, and spiritual giants in our world today. He has written over 16 books, given speeches all over the world, and has been a world-class athlete and coach for decades.

Talking with Dan was an incredible experience because he has so much perspective and such a calm energy that I could ask him anything and he had a wise answer. We talked about his journey to being a world champion in gymnastics, how he became a bestselling author, and his favorite books and spiritual leaders. But one of the most interesting things we talked about was how to alter your expectations in order to work with a clearer mind.

Some people say that we should set really high expectations or else we won’t have anything to work toward. Some say the secret of happiness is low expectations so we’ll never be disappointed.

But according to Dan, maybe it’s best to have no expectations.

Maybe we should recognize the truth: We have no control over the outcomes in our lives. We can only control our efforts. The truth is, we can do all the work, but  if the timing is off or we’re not in the right place at the right time, it’s very possible that we still won’t find the success we hope for.

If we can move away from worrying about fulfilling our expectations, we can make a good effort. And by making a good effort, we might get the outcomes we desire.

Keeping an open mind will free you from worrying about meeting expectations you set for yourself. But don’t think that this means we shouldn’t make goals or have dreams — we have to have a destination or motivation in mind in order to care about moving forward.

Find a goal you’d like to move toward; put in the effort, and don’t expect any specific outcome. It will free you from worrying about the future and let you focus on the present.

For my full conversation with Dan, listen below:

For more on Dan, click here.


ABOUT LEWIS HOWES: Lewis is a pro-athlete turned lifestyle entrepreneur who hosts the top-ranked podcast The School of Greatness. He interviews the best and brightest minds in health, entrepreneurship, relationships and lifestyle. Follow Lewis on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

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