The Time-Management Strategy That Will Help You Get Your Workout In Every Day

Struggling to make time for exercise? Find out how to implement “time blocking” from fitness expert AJ Roberts. (Photo: iStock)

Imagine being the world’s strongest man. This means you would have lifted more weight than any other guy on the planet.

Tall order, right?

AJ Roberts saw that challenge and took it on. In fact, he spent 10 years training to become the strongest and when the test came, he delivered.

I’ve known AJ for years and am not surprised he accomplished this amazing feat. In fact, he’s currently training to now become the world’s fittest man. But it’s not his incredible body, genetics, or awesome supplements that have gotten him his amazing wins. It’s his discipline to make plan every day and stick to it.

When we discussed his strategies for making time to work out (in addition to running a business), AJ credited time blocking as a key to his success.

Time blocking is when you set aside focused intervals of time to do just one thing (like go to the gym, work on a specific task, and so forth) and make a point to adhere to that schedule for the entire day.

Related: 3 Ways to Keep Time From Stressing You Out

If you’re already feeling like this is restrictive and boring, hang on.

AJ pointed out that this principle is as successful in business and dieting as it is in working out because you don’t waste time deciding what to do all day. Instead, you get things done quicker because you avoid distractions and dead time.

AJ holds that structure actually gives you freedom to do what you want because you know you’re going to accomplish what you need to, per your time blocking. If you are prepared, your day can go according to plan.

My own experience completely backs this idea up. When I was in high school, I attended a private boarding school where everything was very structured. From the minute I woke up until bedtime, I knew where I was supposed to be and what I was supposed to be doing, so I couldn’t waste time. It was extremely helpful and taught me good habits early on (which I admit I don’t always follow).

If you’ve been struggling to get your workouts in every day, or even if you have the time, try AJ’s method of time blocking for a week and see what a difference it makes. You might find the structure gives you more time than you could have imagined.

For our full conversation, listen below:

For more on AJ, click here.


ABOUT LEWIS HOWES: Lewis is a pro-athlete turned lifestyle entrepreneur who hosts the top-ranked podcast The School of Greatness. He interviews the best and brightest minds in health, entrepreneurship, relationships and lifestyle. Follow Lewis on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

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