The Power Thrust Is the Fat-Burning Exercise You've Been Missing

The power thrust is one of fitness and nutrition coach Adam Rosante’s go-to exercises, and for good reason. A high-octane move designed to blast your arms, legs, and core in under a minute, it’s guaranteed to raise your heart rate and burn fat. Want in? Here’s how to give it a try:

Stand with your feet hip-width distance apart, squat down, and then drop your hands to the floor. Kick your feet back into a plank position, shoot the feet back under your shoulders, and jump up, tucking your knees to your chest. Need to modify? No biggie, just follow Adam’s cues in the video above.

Find more compound moves here, and in Adam’s new book, The 30-Second Body.

Up Next: The 2-Minute Warm-Up You Can’t Miss

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