The Only 4 Stretches You Need For Lifting


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By Joshua Condon

Whether you’re hitting the weight room to bolster your next pickup game or just looking to build strength, remember that the most successful and enduring athletes are the loosest. Former NFL workhorse Eddie George credited his longevity to staying flexible through yoga, and Wimbledon champ Roger Federer is famously limber.

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“Stretching not only improves range of motion, it prepares your muscles and helps them recover,” says Suzanne Meth, a manager at Equinox Health Club. What’s more, proper stretching can free constricted nerves, realign your frame, and even prevent muscle-degenerating fibrosis as you age.

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Add these four stretches to the end of your workouts. Slowly flow between poses, holding each for a few seconds, then repeat the cycle. When you’re crunched for time, or want to add a pose, use the all-in-one stretch.

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Bend at the waist, leading with your chest, until you’re doubled over. With your back and legs as straight as possible, try to bring your torso to your quads until you feel the stretch.

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Stand up straight, bend your left knee, grab hold of your left foot with your left hand, and pull it up and back, toward your butt. Hold for 3 seconds, then switch legs and repeat.


Place palms or forearms on each side of a door frame at chest level and gently lean forward, until you feel a comfortable stretch across the chest.

Lower Back

With the door open, bend over with a straight back and grab both sides of the door handle with outstretched arms. Slowly pull back from the door with your back straight.


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The All-in-One Stretch

This all-body stretch is good for loosening up at the end of the day or when you just don’t have time for more. Lunge forward with your right leg, extend your left leg behind you, and lean forward to stretch the hip flexors of the rear leg. Then square your hips and tilt your pelvis back, abs in, to stretch the front of that hip. Finally, raise your arms overhead to stretch your upper torso and abs. If you can, also bend your left knee to stretch the quads. Switch legs and repeat.