The 7 Healthiest Energy Bars That Taste Good Too


Which energy bars are not candy in disguise? Find out.(Photo Courtesy of Michael Pirrocco)

Let’s face it: We eat energy bars for one reason— to get a quickand easy bit of fuel. The problem: Most of the bars on the shelf are candy bars in disguise, packed with 20-plus grams of sugar and chemical fillers. As a result, they provide the exact opposite of what you’re after.

"Bars with sugar, or sweet substitutes, cause a lot of gut issues; energy levels aren’t sustained; and they don’t leave you feeling satisfied, which means you reach for snack after snack," says Leslie Bonci, a nutritionist at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. So we set out to make choosing simple. We found 30 of the healthiest bars out there — all with protein, fiber, good fats, and 12 or fewer grams of sugar — and then did a blind taste test to narrow it down to the six most delicious.

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Best for Post-Workout


Rise Bar Lemon Cashew Protein+

To speed recovery and replenish glycogen stores, you need a bar with a balance of muscle-building protein and healthy fats. The Rise Bar Lemon Cashew Protein+ offers 13 grams of good fat and 15 grams of protein via its four ingredients: pea protein; and organic cashews, coconut nectar, and lemon extract. That last one gives this snack a nice, acidic kick that sets it apart from the dozens of other protein bars on the market.

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Best for a Filling Snack

Nothin’ But Peanut Butter Banana Chocolate

Long stretch between lunch and dinner? It’s tempting to gorge on the office supply of stale cookies. But there’s a better, healthier option: Nothin’ But’s Peanut Butter Banana Chocolate Bar. Made with real ingredients (oats, peanuts, honey are the main ones) that you can actually pronounce, it tastes like a homemade dessert bar, and its 360 calories will fill you up with good fats and protein, instead of processed carbs.

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Best for a Light Snack


Health Warrior’s Apple Cinnamon Chia Bar

If you can’t have an actual apple sprinkled with cinnamon, the Health Warrior’s Apple Cinnamon Chia Bar may be the next best thing. Chewy and packed with tiny sesame-like seeds, it’s small (just 100 calories), but still has filling protein (3 grams) and good fat (5 grams), and includes nutrients you won’t find in most bars, like heart-healthy manganese, copper, and zinc.

Best for Vegans


Vega Dark Chocolate Mixed Nuts & Sea Salt

Whey protein is a common ingredient in energy bars, which makes finding a dairy-free bar tough — let alone one that actually tastes good. The Vega Dark Chocolate Mixed Nuts & Sea Salt checks all the boxes: It’s free of animal by-products, has only 8 grams of sugar and 200 calories, and it’s a perfect blend of sweet and salty.

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Best to Get to the Next Meal


Simple Squares Organic Coffee Snack Bar

With 17 grams of healthy fats from cashews, almonds, and coconut, the Simple Squares Organic Coffee Snack Bar curbs hunger for hours, and for only 230 calories. With its crumbly texture and rich honey and vanilla flavors, it’s great if you typically crave sweets between meals, too.

Best for Gluten-Free


STRONG & KIND Hickory Smoked Almond Protein Bar

Most GF bars are cloyingly sweet (excluding gluten often means manufacturers double down on sugar). But the STRONG & KIND Hickory Smoked Almond Protein Bar offers a savory, spicy alternative that has just 6 grams of sugar and 10 grams of hunger-quelling protein.

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Best for Pre-Workout


PROBAR Bite Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip

Before you exercise, you want a snack that skews high in muscle-fueling carbs and goes light on protein, which can slow digestion and cause stomach issues. The PROBAR bite Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip delivers 28 grams of carbs and just 6 grams of protein, and reminds us of a real peanut butter cookie, without the manufactured, chalky taste of typical PB bars.

By Jillian Rose Lim

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NEXT: 10 Bad Foods That Get a Healthy Rap