The 7 Best Food Combos For Weight Loss


Would you pay top dollar for a comedy performance by…Peele? Or expect a great film from a singular Coen brother? Or rock to the sounds of just one of those robots from Daft Punk?

There’s a reason why people love the music of the Stones more than either Jagger or Richards: Amazing things happen when two great collaborators work in tandem to create magic. That’s true in art, and it’s just as true in nutrition. More and more research confirms what great chefs and home cooks have always known: Foods weren’t meant to be eaten alone. They’re meant to work in partnership, each bringing its own set of unique flavors (and nutrients) to create the perfect weight-loss meal.

Case in point: Last month, a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported that salads were more nutritionally potent if you added eggs to them. The reason: the eggs made it easier for your body to absorb carotenoids, the pigments that give veggies their color—and help you fight weight gain. Here are 8 other ideal collaborators, each bringing its own unique nutritional talents to help keep you slim, compliments of the new Zero Belly Cookbook. Enjoy, and then keep your belly toned and tight—in record time—with these essential 14 Ways to Lose Your Belly in 14 Days!

Weight-Loss Combo #7
Tuna + Ginger

Want to look better on the beach? Look no further than the ocean—or at least the oceanside sushi joint. Pairing a tuna roll, or a few pieces of tuna sashimi, with ginger can help your belly look smaller immediately. The ginger accelerates gastric emptying, which helps diminish that “food baby” look rapidly, and it also blocks several genes and enzymes in the body that promote bloat-causing inflammation. Tuna’s roll here is critical, too; It’s a primo source of docosahexaenoic acid, an type of omega-3 fat that can ward off stress chemicals that promote flab storage and down-regulate fat genes in the stomach, stopping belly fat cells from growing larger.
Make a Power Combo: Place the ginger atop your brown rice sushi—but lay off the soy sauce. A single tablespoon has over 1,000 mg of belly-bloating sodium, more than a Big Mac!

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