New Year, New Hangover? Try This Smoothie


(Photo courtesy of The Blender Girl Smoothies App)

Feel like crawling back into bed? Need a healthy boost? Resolutions looking less and less likely by the minute? Tess Masters, the hit blogger behind The Blender Girl, has a smoothie for you. Packed with anti-inflammatory vitamin K and immunity-boosting antioxidants, this Cleansing Cran-Cherry smoothie will have you back on your feet in no time. Find more healthy recipes on Masters’ app, The Blender Girl Smoothies.

Cleansing Cran-Cherry

Serves 2

1 3/4 cups unfiltered apple juice

½ cup loosely packed chopped collard greens (about ½ large leaf with the stalk removed)

1 cup frozen cranberries

1 1/2 cups frozen pitted sweet cherries

¼ teaspoon finely grated lemon zest (optional)

Toss all ingredients into a high-powered blender and whirl for one minute, until smooth and creamy.

Need a little more oomph? Add a pinch of cayenne pepper, a tablespoon of maqui powder, and/or a teaspoon of coconut oil for an extra kick.