Work Out With A Top Celeb Trainer—At Home!

“I didn’t tell you it was gonna be easy, I told you it was gonna be worth it.” Those are the tough-love words spoken directly into the camera by petite powerhouse Anna Kaiser about halfway through her new first-ever DVD, out January 1.

And I can tell you from experience that Anna, the trainer behind hot-bodied celebrities such as Kelly Ripa and Sarah Jessica Parker, is speaking her truth: Anna’s aim is to create challenging sweat sessions that yield real —and pretty rapid— results.

I first met Anna a few years ago at her studio in New York City, where she put me through one of her high-octane workout experiences. And since I am stronger muscularly than cardiovascularly, I admit I was sucking wind—big time. But thanks to Anna’s infectious energy and right-by-your-side encouragement, I somehow made it through…and left wanting more. I caught up with Anna a few days before the release of her Happy Hour DVD to chat about what fuels her and how you can score the strong body of your dreams, too.

Yahoo Health: How would you describe your fitness philosophy?

Anna Kaiser: I believe that everybody deserves a comprehensive workout. Your body needs the trifecta: strength, cardio, and flexibility. You need an efficient and effective way to get your best results while still having fun!  Why show up everyday if you don’t love it?  And why work out everyday if you aren’t reaching your goals? I want people to know that if they show up, they will get the results they’ve been waiting for… and so much more.

YH: Your workouts are tough. Talk to us about the need to challenge your body in order to change it.

AK: If your workout is easy, chances are, you’re not getting much out of it.  Most of the day we are seated either at a meal or at work… or we’re asleep. Our bodies are meant to move, and if we don’t challenge ourselves physically, our muscles will atrophy and our metabolism will slow down.  This means you will have to eat less and less to maintain your weight. The more lean muscle you have in your body, the faster your metabolism, and the healthier you are. You cannot build and maintain muscle without challenging yourself.

YH: You’ve given the classes at your studio fun and sexy names such as 4Play, S(wet) Dream, and S & M (Smoke and Mirrors). What’s behind that?

AK: When you are connected to your body you develop a confidence that is undeniable. You are more powerful when you walk into a room, you are more focused, you feel comfortable in your clothes, and you approach life head on— you feel sexy! All our classes exude sexuality and empower you to be your best self.

YH: Can you share a few of your best motivation tips?

AK: Commit to a schedule. Just show up. I don’t care if you’re tired, hungover, overworked, or stressed, just commit yourself to a consistent schedule so that your body starts to expect and crave the exercise.  This will allow you to enjoy your life because you can maintain your results.  You know you can always get back to your best self without having to crash diet or overwork yourself physically.  Consistency is key!  Don’t rely on the “catch up.” Keep yourself ahead of the game and avoid the guilt before it begins.  For every workout accomplished, put $10 or $20 in a jar.  Then, go shopping for new workout clothes to reward yourself — not because your jeans don’t fit anymore.

Photo courtesy of AKT InMotion 

YH: You have sayings emblazoned on the walls of your studio. How big is the mental piece of working out?

AK: It is everything.  One of my favorites is “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.”  You decide what you are capable of.  So just swallow the doubt and negativity and show up.

YH: Your energy is cray cray…how do you decompress at night—any rituals or tips?

AK: Cray!! Ha! I love life and enjoy every minute.  It can certainly be difficult to wind down at the end of the day, but I find that an hour of conversation, time with a book, a bath, or anything away from a screen is the only thing that works.  And tea.

YH: Aside from bring along your fab new DVD, what are some other ways to stay in shape while traveling?

AK: I offer 10 minute streaming workouts on so that anyone can create their own interval workout with as little or as much time as they have while traveling.  In a tiny space!  I actually do these when I travel for the most efficient use of my time.  I also think it’s important to stay active and take advantage of the space around you while traveling.  Swim, snorkel, walk on the beach, ski, snowboard, snowshoe, hike, bike… vacation and travel is amazing and such a wonderful reason to get up and go!

YH:  What does a typical day’s menu look like for you?

AK: Wake up: alkaline water (Essentia 9.5 pH)

Pre-workout:  coffee

Post-workout: quinoa with minced veggies

Lunch:  salad w/grilled salmon, green apples, feta, pumpkin seeds

Snack: 2 hard-boiled eggs

Dinner: sushi

Dessert: 2 squares of dark chocolate

YH: What’s a staple you eat almost daily and what’s your biggest indulgence?

AK: I eat almonds almost every day.  I love the crunch and they are easy to keep with me.  Indulgence is really important.  I eat everything.  I don’t deprive myself.  Deprivation leads me to over think and over obsess about what I’m eating.  I listen to my body and keep my portions small so as not to over-indulge.  Treats I love:  fresh, hot mozzarella pizza, coffee w/half and half, and steak (rare).

YH: What do you eat on an airplane?

AK: I usually try to stock myself with yummy, hydrating, and fiber-rich foods before I get on the plane: grapefruit, hard-boiled eggs, salad w/protein, apple, nuts, sparkling water, gum.  The more tricks I have, the better my flight.  I avoid over-processed (gross) airplane food.

YH: What do you eat before you work out, and after?

AK: Before: nothing.  I don’t like working out on a full stomach.  I stop eating an hour before my workout. After:  a combo of protein/carbs:  yogurt, protein shake, coconut water, eggs, almond butter on Ezekiel w/honey, chicken w/salad, sushi

YH: What have your clients taught you?

AK: All my clients are strong, driven women who empower me to work intelligently with passion… and to get my hands dirty!  Nothing worth having is easy.  But do it with love and a sense of humor, damn it!

YH:  Do you have any favorite old-school workout videos?

AK: I love me some Jane Fonda and Denise Austin.  They were my firsts… but I think more than anything, MTV inspired me to move and workout.  I miss music videos!!

Anna Kaiser’s first DVD, Happy Hour, is available January 1st on