How to Get Yourself to the Gym When You Don’t Feel Like It

Get up and out of bed with these tips. (Photo: Stocksy/Lumina)

Quest Nutrition co-founder Tom Bilyeu is not only an amazing husband, entrepreneur, and businessman, but he has helped build Quest to become the second-fastest-growing company in North America.

As Tom shared the story of how he and his co-founders got the inspiration for creating a mega-successful company in the already super-saturated industry of protein bars, he explained his own journey to loving health and fitness.

Tom comes from a historically obese family with a history of all the issues that go along with that. So when he decided to transition from a successful career in tech start-ups to founding a fitness food company, he realized he had to walk his new talk.

Being a self-proclaimed fitness non-enthusiast, Tom knew he needed to come up with some new strategies to commit to working out even when he didn’t want to.

Here are his top tips for getting to the gym, no matter what:

  • Be aware of your emotions and how they trigger you. Instead of judging them, shift back into focusing on your goal despite your feelings.

  • Make it your identity to be the person who goes to the gym even when you don’t want to.

  • Decide that fitness and health are two of your core values.

  • Make specific goals to get you out of bed and exercising (so you have a step-by-step roadmap to follow).

Related: Want To Work Out More? Think Of Yourself Like This

You’ll notice these are all mental tips — and that’s no coincidence! Tom attributes the success of his business and health to training himself to have a powerful mindset. If you want to know if Tom’s philosophy is actually successful, look no further than his business and lifestyle.

Listen to my full conversation with Tom below:

For more on Tom, click here.


ABOUT LEWIS HOWES: Lewis is a pro-athlete turned lifestyle entrepreneur who hosts the top-ranked podcast The School of Greatness. He interviews the best and brightest minds in health, entrepreneurship, relationships and lifestyle. Follow Lewis on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

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