How to Get These Exact Celeb Body Parts


No odd fixations here—just a good, healthy obsession with definition and famous people. Here, we asked three fitness experts for the exercises you need to do to get yourself five celebrities’ enviable legs/arms/abs/backs. Who knows? Yours might turn out even better.

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Jessica Biel’s Upper Back, Courtesy Getty


Yeah. You could probably crush walnuts between her shoulder blades.

Reverse Plank, Courtesy Natalie Mingh


From Dempsey Marks, fitness trainer, yoga instructor, and founder of DempseyFit:

  1. Begin in a seated position with your legs extended straight out in front of you.

  2. Plant your hands on the floor behind you, with your fingers facing toward your body.

  3. Engage your core by drawing your belly button into your spine.

  4. Press into your palms and heels and lift your hips up. Your body should be a straight line from the crown of your head to your feet. Hold for 20–40 seconds.

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Julianne Hough’s Dancer Legs, Courtesy Getty


That line running between her quad and hamstring? Yes.

Crescent Lunge, Courtesy Natalie Mingh


From Dempsey Marks, fitness trainer, yoga instructor, and founder of DempseyFit:

  1. Begin in downward facing dog.

  2. Inhale, lifting your right leg up.

  3. Exhale and step your foot between your hands.

  4. Align your right knee above your right ankle. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart.

  5. Inhale and lift your torso. Raise your arms overhead with your pinkies rotating in.

  6. Engage your core.

  7. Align your hips by pulling your left hip forward and your right hip back.

  8. Pull your shoulders away from your ears.

  9. Hold for eight to 10 breaths on each side.

Michelle Obama’s Triceps, Courtesy Getty


Imagine how even more viral that turnip Vine would’ve gotten if she’d worn a tank top.

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Reverse Triceps, Courtesy Valerie Orsoni
From Valerie Orsoni, health and wellness expert and author of LeBootCamp Diet: The Scientifically-Proven French Method to Eat Well, Lose Weight, and Keep It Off For Good:


1. Using your hands as a support and keeping your back as straight as possible and your abs tucked in, lower your arms until your triceps are horizontal to the floor.


2. Stay for two seconds and bring your arms up using only the triceps. (Your legs don’t do the work here, so don’t press into the floor.) Repeat until it burns, then add five reps.

Gwen Stefani’s Obliques, Courtesy Getty



Crossover Twists, Courtesy Pound


From Kirsten Potenza and Cristina Peerenboom, founders of POUND and creators of the POUND Rockout Results System:

  1. Sink into boat pose, creating a “C” shape with your body and squeezing the shoulder blades together.

  2. Begin with your hands at your sides, holding Ripstix or 2-pound weights. (Empty-handed is fine too.)

  3. Cross your right hand over your lap toward your left side, and tap the ground near your left hip.

  4. Place your right hand back where it started. Repeat on the other side. Do three sets of 20 crossovers, and balance in boat pose the entire time, if possible.

Cameron Diaz’s Calves, Courtesy Getty


Like Valerie says, “Nothing beats toned calves in high heels.” Amen.

Toe Pushups, Courtesy Valerie Orsoni
From Valerie Orsoni, health and wellness expert and author of LeBootCamp Diet: The Scientifically-Proven French Method to Eat Well, Lose Weight, and Keep It Off For Good:


1. Barefoot or wearing flats, place your toes and the front half of the foot on a step.
2. Dip as low as you can, and stay for 10 seconds.


3. Rise up and stay on your toes for 10 seconds. Repeat until it burns, then add five reps.

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