Hillary Clinton's (Spicy) Wellness Secret

Clinton reportedly has an affinity for jalapeno peppers — but what makes them so healthy? (Photos: iStock; Andrew Burton/Getty Images)

Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton has made it a priority to stay healthy while on the campaign trail, according to a recent New York Times report, seeking out spaces to do yoga and go on walks and avoiding blatantly unhealthy foods.

The Times also revealed another interesting tidbit about Clinton’s diet: She has an affinity for raw hot peppers.

The health benefits of peppers has long been documented — they’re high vitamins A and C, and have also got lots of potassium and fiber. They’re also low in calories.

With jalapeño peppers in particular, the “spiciness can give Hillary a metabolic boost while helping the curb sugar cravings,” nutrition and fitness expert JJ Virgin, CNS, CHFS, author of The Virgin Diet and Sugar Impact Diet and Yahoo Health Advisory Board member, tells Yahoo Health. “Plus the spicy heat can trigger an endorphin rush which could help Hilary balance some of that campaign stress.”

Spicy food has also been shown in research to have health benefits including a lower risk of dying from conditions including heart disease, cancer, and respiratory disease.

Related: Sriracha Lovers Unite! Life-Extending Benefits Found in Spicy Food

According to The Times article, Clinton doesn’t follow a specific diet plan like her husband, Bill (who is mostly vegan) or her daughter, Chelsea (who is gluten-free). She instead, her aides say she abides by a general rule that “if it looks bad for you, it’s probably bad for you.”

While on the surface this may be a good philosophy to ascribe to, Virgin says she’s admittedly concerned with this generalized approach to eating.

“It is clear that sugar is sneaking in to places we’d never suspect that appear healthy like that morning muffin, the skinny latte and the green drink (some have more sugar than a soda!). So hopefully one of her campaign helpers is on the lookout for sneaky sugars to keep her healthy on the campaign trail.”

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