Don’t Fall Prey to These 6 Tricky Sugar Claims

You can tell sugar is a hot-button issue by the sheer number of foods that refer to it by name on the package. Walk down almost any aisle in the grocery store and you’ll see boxes and bags checkered with phrases like “no sugar added” and “naturally sweetened” at every turn. But they don’t tell the whole story. Many are misleading, and some are downright meaningless because they’re not regulated by the FDA.

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Here’s what popular sugar claims do and don’t tell you about the foods you’re buying:

  • No Added Sugar and No Sugar Added: This means that no calorie-containing sweeteners of any kind have been added to the product. Any sugar in the product must therefore be naturally-occurring. This claim is often used on products that contain natural sugars from fruit without any added sugars, including 100% fruit juice, frozen fruit (without syrup), fruit pops, apple sauce, and fruit strips and leathers. While whole frozen fruit is obviously a great choice, more processed products like juice and fruit strips are concentrated sources of sugar and don’t contain all of the fiber and phytochemicals found in whole fruit, so it’s always best to eat the real thing when possible. And here’s the big catch: The phrases “no sugar added” and “no added sugar” can also be used on items that have replaced all of the regular sugar typically found in the product with artificial sweeteners or sugar alcohols. Confusing, I know. Rather than deciphering semantics when you see these statements, it’s best to review the ingredients list and check for artificial sweeteners if these are additives you choose to avoid. “No sugar added” often pops up on “diet” versions of hot cocoa, ice pops, ice cream, and even fruit cups in syrup, so keep an eye out when buying these foods.

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  • Unsweetened: This indicates that the product contains no calorie-containing sweeteners or artificial sweeteners. In other words, diet sodas and cookies that are made with Splenda can’t be labeled as unsweetened. It’s often used on beverages like almond and coconut milks and flavored waters to differentiate these products from versions that do contain added sugar.

  • Made with Less Sugar and Reduced Sugar and Lower Sugar: The FDA allows companies to use this terminology only when the product contains at least 25% less sugar than the original or standard version of the food. You may have seen this lingo on cereal boxes, oatmeal packets, fruit juice, jams, and jellies. The manufacturers may have simply reduced the amount of added sugar in the recipe, or they may have replaced some of the sugar with artificial sweeteners. You’ll need to read the ingredients list to see what’s in the product. And keep in mind that just because the item has less sugar doesn’t mean it’s a great choice. It can still be high in sugar if the original product was loaded with the sweet stuff, and may be high in calories, too.

  • Lightly Sweetened: This terminology isn’t regulated by the FDA, so it tells you nothing conclusive about the sugar content. Manufacturers can determine for themselves what qualifies as “lightly.”

  • No High-Fructose Corn Syrup: This phrase indicates that the product does not contain any high-fructose corn syrup. But it may (and typically does) contain other sweeteners, such as standard white sugar, evaporated cane juice, brown rice syrup, or other popular sweeteners viewed as more natural alternatives. All added sugars contain roughly the same number of calories, and excessive intake from all sources of added sugar has been associated with increased risk of weight gain, obesity, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. So a soda, cookie, or candy bar sweetened with “real cane sugar” or honey instead of high-fructose corn syrup isn’t any better for you. It’s important to limit added sugar from all sources, because the quantity of sugar you’re eating — not the type — is the real health concern.

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  • Made with Natural Sweeteners and Naturally Sweetened: The same caveats just described apply to these package claims. Cookies, candies, beverages, and other products that bear this label are typically sweetened with less-processed sources of sugar, including evaporated cane juice, honey, maple syrup, and brown rice syrup (but keep in mind that the FDA hasn’t defined the term natural). It’s fine to opt for the least processed sources of sugar when you purchase sweets, but make sure their “all-natural” image isn’t lulling you into a false sense of security. To add to the confusion, statements like “naturally sweetened” can also be spotted on foods that contain naturally-derived, calorie-free sugar substitutes, such as stevia or monk fruit extract. I’ve also seen “naturally sweetened” on items that get their sweetness from the natural sugars found in fruit ingredients, rather than added sugars. So to identify the sweetener source, you’ll need to (you guessed it) turn to the ingredients list.

Ignore the Claims, Read the Nutrition Label

The bottom line is: sugar claims on package labels can be deceptive, and they don’t tell you how much sugar the product contains. To determine that, you’ll need to refer to the “Sugars” line on the nutrition facts panel, because that’s where cold hard facts prevail. Bear in mind that this number refers to the total grams of sugar found in the product, and can include both added sugars and the sugar naturally found in fruit and milk products. To understand where the sugar is coming from, review the ingredients list carefully.

Related: Confused About Added Sugar? New Nutrition Labels Will Help

Heads up: The FDA recently proposed a change to the nutrition label that would include a separate line for added sugars, making it easier for us consumers to assess and compare products. Keep your fingers crossed that this proposal becomes a reality.

This article originally appeared on Don’t Fall Prey to These 6 Tricky Sugar Claims

By Johannah Sakimura, Everyday Health Columnist


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