A New Quick Fix For The Dreaded Turkey Neck


Whether it’s caused by genetics, texting, or weight, you don’t need to live with your turkey neck.

While there’s an arsenal of cosmetic procedures to address skin laxity, when it comes to addressing the dreaded turkey neck, which has now becoming an increasing concern thanks to the rise of “text neck syndrome”, short of getting a mini facelift, there are no quick in-office fixes—until now. Charlotte’s Book Premier Provider and cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Paul J. Frank has devised a new minimally invasive technique to address sagging skin around the jawline and neck: UltraTight.

“As we age, collagen production slows and gravity begins to take its toll on skin elasticity and changes in facial volume…too much fat in some places, not enough in others. I created UltraTight because, up until now, loose, sagging skin on the jawline and neck was hard to target without very invasive surgical intervention,” explains Dr. Frank, a go-to cosmetic dermatologist for fat removal procedures in New York City. “In addition, totally non-invasive skin tightening treatments, although effective, had only limited results with the skin that actually hangs down from the jawline and doesn’t help fat accumulation in the neck,” he adds.

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UltraTight takes a multi-pronged approach to firming and contouring the chin area. It incorporates aspects of internal ultrasound technology, to firm the skin from the inside out, and Dr. Frank’s ingenious, minimally invasive liposuction techniques, to remove fat build up and thus reduce the bulk of a turkey neck. The UltraTight procedure takes an hour and only requires local anesthesia. There are no sutures after the procedure because it only requires the administration of two very small incisions. After the initial healing period of about three days, patients are often slightly swollen, as if they had a dental procedure. Results can be seen immediately, are permanent and, in fact, improve over the two to three months following the procedure, as skin creates more collagen and further tightens around the treated area.

“Loose neck skin can weigh you down, causing you to look larger and older than you are. It’s extra baggage—a problem that UltraTight now can solve. It makes you look and feel younger, while restoring the youthful structure of that region,” says Dr. Frank. Judging from the amount of questions we receive about firming the neck area, Charlotte bets that this cutting-edge technique will quickly gain momentum, helping women look naturally timeless, one UltraTight at a time.

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