9 Foods That Can Curb Your Sugar Cravings

If you’re trying to reduce your sugar intake, or looking for a healthy way to satisfy your sweet tooth, try these satisfying snacks.

By Amie Valpone


A Healthy Granola Bar
While a granola bar may seem like a healthier choice than a candy bar, many actually contain just as much sugar. Kind offers a line of Nuts & Spices bars that are made with only natural ingredients and contain just 5 grams of sugar.

Trail Mix
When I’m craving a dessert, I sprinkle trail mix on plain yogurt for a sweet, creamy treat that is low in sugar and also contains protein and fiber.

Sea Salt Crackers and Nut Butter
When I want a sweet and salty snack, I top my favorite sea salt crackers with chocolate nut butter (made from crushed almonds and cacao). It’s a sweet snack that adds antioxidants and minerals, so you can enjoy a healthy treat with a side of powerful nutrients.

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Beet Crystals
Beet crystals are a naturally sweet, water-soluble product made from organic beet juice. They have many health benefits, including cleansing the liver, supporting the immune and cardiovascular systems, and providing the body with vitamin C and iron. Use them in place of sugar in any food or drink.

Raw, Organic Honey
Honey is a great source of natural sweetness and is loaded with health benefits, from supporting the immune system to treating everything from a hangover to a sore throat. You can eat a spoonful of raw honey on its own, or try it with tea, toast, or yogurt.

Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate is a great food to keep around when you want something sweet. It’s naturally delicious (it is chocolate after all!) and is full of antioxidants. For the most nutritional value, choose a bar that’s at least 70 percent cacao.

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Vanilla Chai Tea
Chai teas are a great way to get the sweet taste you’re looking for without extra calories or sugar crashes. Just make sure to read the label to ensure you don’t accidentally grab a sugar-filled version.

Banana Ice Cream
I always keep a few frozen bananas in my freezer for smoothies or banana ice cream. To make, toss a frozen banana in the blender with almond butter and cacao nibs for a tasty (and easy) dessert that I think is even better than “real” ice cream. No added sugar needed!

Frozen Grapes
This might be one of the easiest snacks ever: Put a bag of grapes in the freezer for a convenient treat you can pop in your mouth when you need a sweet fix. Grapes are full of antioxidants and a completely natural choice for dessert after dinner!

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photos: Stephanie Foley; Romulo A Yanes (2)