9 Easy Ways to Stay in Shape This Winter


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When there’s a chill in the air, people tend to avoid going outdoors and often skip the gym. But don’t let cold weather trump your desire to stay fit this winter. Instead, arm yourself with some coping strategies. While everyone else is scrambling to stick to their New Year’s resolutions, you’ll be coasting along, wondering why everyone is stressing about warmer weather and shorts season.

Here are some simple fitness strategies to get you through the winter months:

1. Find a workout buddy. Having a partner is great for accountability and even for a little friendly competition.

2. Post progress pictures on social media or join an online fitness group where you’ll find people with like-minded goals ready and willing to offer encouragement.

3. Set a goal for the spring, like running a marathon, entering a fitness competition or taking a vacation. With a goal or event to work toward, you’ll be less likely to slack off.

4. Buy new training gear. New clothes and/or sneakers can often be a great incentive to exercise because you’ll want to put your new gear to use.

5. Hire a trainer. The investment alone may keep you motivated to get to the gym. And it’s a trainer’s job to help push you safely through a workout even when you might not feel up to it.

6. Try setting your thermostat to start heating up the house a few degrees before you wake. It’s too tempting to stay in bed all warm and toasty when the house is cold and chilly.

7. Look for gym specials. When gyms see a decline in visitors, they often offer incentives to get more people through the door.

8. Consider buying yourself an alarm clock that simulates sunrise. It will begin to gradually light the room before the set time, allowing you to gently wake and start your day.

9. Take advantage of activities that can only be done in winter, like cross-country skiing, skiing or snowboarding. Even a snowball fight or building a snowman with the kids can be great exercise and enjoy the winter weather.

The original article “16 Simple Tips to Stay Fit This Winter" appeared on LIVESTRONG.COM.

By Jamie Eason Middleton

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