8 Amazing Chair Exercises to Firm Up Anywhere


Tired of sitting all day? Turn your furniture into workout equipment with this fast yet effective total-body plan. (Photos by Chris Fanning)

By Jeanine Detz for Shape.com

Getting out of town can clear your mind but take a toll on your body—who wants to hit the hotel gym when there’s a lounge chair calling your name? To help you stay fit when you’re away from your everyday routine, LA–based trainer Mike Donavnik designed this do-anywhere plans that firm nearly every muscle. His secret weapons: a chair and a wall. “They can increase your range of motion, change your angle, or boost your stability so you can do a tougher version of a move,” he says. It all adds up to a bigger challenge, so get ready to feel the burn. But don’t worry—you’ll be done in less than 15 minutes, leaving you plenty of time to chill. (Or if you want to push yourself, find some dumbbells and tone up with The 10-Minute Arms and Abs Workout.)

How it works: Do 1 set of each move in either routine in order; repeat the circuit twice more. To increase the intensity, jump rope or jog in place for 1 minute between each exercise.

You will need: Chair

1. Side-Lunge Pulse


A. Stand with inside of right foot on a chair and left foot on the floor beside it, about 2 feet away; legs extended. Clasp hands in front of chest. Bend left knee, pushing hips back.


B. Rise up as you lift right leg to hip height, then pulse it down and up twice. Return to starting position and repeat. Do 15 reps, then switch sides to complete set. (And once you master this, try the lunge exercises in this Lower-Body HIIT Workout.)

2. Push-Up Hydrant


A. Get in plank position with hands shoulder-width apart on a chair, and raise left leg to hip height behind you. Bend elbows straight back, lowering chest toward the chair, as you bring left knee toward left elbow.


B. Push up and extend left leg to return to starting position.

3. T-Stand Drive


A. Stand an arm’s length away from a chair. Bend forward, place left hand on the chair, and extend left leg to hip height behind you; bend right elbow and hold right hand in front of shoulder.


B. Rise up as you lift left knee to hip height in front of you and rotate torso left, bringing palms toward each other in front of chest. Return to starting position and repeat. (Take your workout to the next level by learning how to Fix Your Exercise Form for Better Results.)

4. Dip and Crunch


A. Sit on a chair with knees bent and feet on the floor; place hands on edge beside hips with fingers pointing forward. Scoot butt forward so it’s just in front of the chair and lift toes. Bend elbows straight back, lowering butt toward the floor.


B. Extend arms as you bring right knee toward chest. Lower right foot to starting position; repeat, this time lifting left knee.

5. Wall-Sit Shift


A. Stand with your back against a wall, and take a big step forward with each foot. Extend arms overhead and bend knees 90 degrees, moving feet forward or back if necessary so knees are over ankles.


B. Shift weight to left leg as you extend right leg at hip height in front of you, and lower left arm to shoulder level. Tap right foot next to left as you raise left arm to starting position and immediately repeat.

6. Single-Arm Push-Up


A. Stand a few feet away from the corner of two walls. Lean forward and place left hand on the wall, heels slightly lifted. Put right hand behind back, palm facing away from you.


B. Bend left elbow. Push up to starting position and repeat.

7. Wall Split Squat


A. Stand with your back against a wall and take a big step forward with left foot. Shift weight to left leg, press bottom of right foot against the wall, and bend elbows, bringing left arm forward and right arm back.


B. Bend left knee as you switch arm positions. Return to starting position and repeat.

8. Plank Push


A. Get in plank position an arm’s length away from a wall with feet wider than shoulders. Raise left arm to shoulder height in front of you and press hand against wall. Hold for 20 seconds; then switch sides to complete set. (Planks engage every muscle in your body. Maximize your sweat time with  5 Moves for an Hourglass Figure.)

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