7 Ways to Burn Fat Faster

(Photo: Shutterstock)

They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing again and again, and expecting a different result. If that’s true, then when it comes to exercise, most of us are totally off our rockers.

No matter how many pounds we push, how many miles we motor, how many spin classes we sweat through, most of us never really see the kind of results we expect from all the effort we put in. And now, as Summer approaches, and the layers begin to come off, the moment of truth is arriving. You could use a sudden fat-burning breakthrough—and fast.

Don’t worry. These Zero Belly workout secrets—pulled from the most successful, cutting-edge fitness pros in the business—will change everything in just a matter of weeks. Get ready to shrug off your old routine, and start seeing results now!

Zero Belly Fat Burner #7

Reduce Stress with Yoga

Let go of the beach body stress breathing down the back of your neck. It might just be the key to slipping into your swimsuit and feeling great. Stress has been known to increase levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which promotes the storage of belly fat. So pair your gym treadmill training with some time of the yoga mat to ditch the stress in the name of a slimmer stomach. And, besides, who among us couldn’t use a little less stress and a little more relaxation, right? Blast flab even faster—in time for summer—with these essential 5 Teas That Melt Fat Fast!

Zero Belly Fat Burner #6

Change Up Your Workout Order

Ditch the routine. It will not only keep your time at the gym interesting, but also your calorie-burning furnace humming. Kurt Hester, TD1 National Director of Performance, recently sat down with us to explain why change can be a good thing. “Humans are creatures of habit,” said Hester. “Go into any gym in America and you can watch gym rats performing the exact same workout three times per week. Cardio for 30-60 minutes followed by a circuit trip around the weight room. You want results? Change it up! 30 minutes of high intensity lifting followed by 15 minutes of high intensity intervals will produce more results in two days than your standard 90-minute workout three days a week.”

Zero Belly Fat Burner #5

Plan Meals Ahead of Time

We get it! Some nights, it’s just impossible to cook something entirely homemade and healthy. That’s where preparation comes in. If you have pre-made ingredients or healthy frozen items stocked for just such an occasion, you don’t have to worry about resorting to instant (unhealthy) gratification from your pantry or fridge. (You threw out all the junk, anyway, right?) Stock your kitchen with the best-ever foods for weight loss, using these 16 Must-Have Staples for a Flat-Belly Kitchen!

Zero Belly Fat Burner #4

Take Photos and Track Progress

Taking photos before, after and during a weight loss journey is a great way to stay motivated throughout the entire sweat-inducing ordeal. A lot of us, when we start a new diet or workout plan, don’t see dramatic changes in the bathroom scale, at least at first. But what would see—if we could freeze time—is the dramatic changes in the shape of our bodies. Pictures not only establish a baseline by which you can measure your progress without stepping on the scale (which can be tricky when you’re talking about losing fat and building muscle), but also motivation as your skin tightens up, your face thins out and your body gets lean. And get the results you want NOW with these 6 Ways to Lose Weight in 30 Seconds Or Less.

Zero Belly Fat Burner #3

Boost Metabolism with Seafood

Most people seem to understand that fish (and fish oil) is good for them, but do any of them know why? Hint: It’s not just the protein. Fish is a power food that will help you lose fat because of its levels of leptin. People who eat fish regularly tend to have lower levels of the hormone leptin in their body. Since higher levels of leptin have often been associated with decreased rate of metabolism, fish has become an essential food for anyone trying to lose fat. So break out the wild salmon and tuna, squirt on some lemon, and enjoy a (mostly) guilt-free meal!

Zero Belly Fat Burner #2

Walk More, Drive Less

This one is self-explanatory, but start actually doing it now to get fit for summer. The more you walk, the more active you are. The more active you are, the more calories you burn, and the more weight you can potentially lose. Instead of driving up the street to grab your morning coffee, take a nice brisk walk up and back. Take a friend and take your dog (he’ll love it). If you want to take the family to the park for an hour, slap on your favorite pair of sneakers instead of taking the car. You can walk there or take a bike ride. You’ll save a few bucks on gas and your body will thank you for it. Don’t have time? Ditch the time crunch and the pounds with these exclusive 9 Ways to Lose Weight When You’re Crazy Busy.

Zero Belly Fat Burner #1  

Vary Your Caloric Intake

Here’s the thing about the human body: It’s much smarter than you think. It starts to get used to your dead-on 1500 calorie-a-day intake and your metabolism will start to plateau (so to speak). If you want to “trick” your body into jumpstarting your metabolism again, all you need to do is vary that daily caloric intake to keep it guessing. Try downing 1,200 calories one day and 1,800 the next. As long as your overall intake balances out, you should be fine and there’s a good chance your increased rate of metabolism should help you burn fat faster.

And click here for the full Zero Belly Diet plan, and start losing weight while eating the foods you love!

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