7 Nutrients You May Not Be Getting Enough Of


Research shows that the American diet is far from healthy and, in fact, we’re coming up short in some important nutrients that our bodies need to function and be in good health. (Photo: Purestock/Purestock/Getty Images)

Read on for a list of 7 nutrients that are seriously lacking in the American diet, and find out what you can do to make sure you’re getting your daily dose.

1. Vitamin A
Vitamin A is important for many reasons: bone growth, healthy vision, immunity, reproduction and proper functioning of your heart, lungs and other organs. Unfortunately, more than 1/3 of Americans (34 percent) aren’t getting enough vitamin A, and if it weren’t for fortified foods and supplements, this number would be about 75 percent. Vitamin A is found in food in two forms: preformed (retinol) and carotenoids. Eggs, some fish, green leafy vegetables, orange and yellow fruits and vegetables (squash, peppers, mangoes, cantaloupe) and fortified milks and cereals are all great sources of vitamin A. So how much do you need? Men need 900mcg RAE (3,000 IUs) and women 700mcg RAE (2,310 IUs). If women are pregnant or lactating, they’ll need an increased amount. Consult with your doctor.

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2. Magnesium
A November 2013 study published in The Journal of Nutrition revealed that the mineral magnesium might help people live longer. Researchers followed more than 7,000 men and women (ages 55-80) and found that people with the highest daily intakes of magnesium had a 34 percent decrease in mortality from heart disease and cancer. Magnesium is involved in more than 300 metabolic reactions and helps with a wide range of functions in the body including muscle and nerve function, blood sugar control, blood pressure, bone development and more. Unfortunately, 45 percent of Americans fails to consume enough magnesium. Nuts (pistachios and almonds), fruits and vegetables (spinach, bananas, avocados), beans, lentils, and whole grains (oatmeal and whole wheat bread) are all great sources of magnesium.

3. Vitamin E
A fat-soluble nutrient, vitamin E acts as an antioxidant, staving off free radicals and it’s also responsible for supporting the immune system, keeping blood vessels healthy and preventing blood clots. Vitamin E exists in eight forms, but the one you need to pay attention to is alpha-tocopherol. What should your daily dose be? Men and women require 15 milligrams of vitamin E per day, but 60 percent of Americans aren’t getting enough. Vegetable oils such as sunflower oil and olive oil, nuts, seeds and cereal grains are all great sources of vitamin E. Smaller amounts of this vitamin can also be found in fruits and vegetables such as spinach, mangoes and avocados.

4. Potassium
Potassium balances out sodium’s impact on blood pressure and it also reduces bone loss and the risk of kidney stones, builds proteins and muscles, and keeps a safe acid-base balance in our bodies. It’s recommended that men and women get 4,700mg of potassium a day, but Americans are falling short. Potassium is available in a variety of food sources including fruits (citrus, kiwi, apricots, cantaloupe), vegetables (sweet potatoes, peas, broccoli), dairy, nuts, meats and poultry (beef, chicken, turkey) and fish (cod, salmon). Athletes and those who work out strenuously for more than an hour may have higher potassium needs due to sweat loss.

5. Folate
Folic acid is found naturally in fruits (oranges and melons), vegetables (dark leafy greens), nuts, beans and many grains (pasta, cereal, bread) which are fortified with this B-vitamin. Despite the preponderance of fortified foods, there are certain groups of people who are still at greater risk of folate shortfalls. These risk groups include women age 14-30 (specifically before and during pregnancy) and people with some GI conditions including Crohn’s disease, inflammatory bowel and celiac disease. Folate is important because it helps make DNA and healthy cells including red blood cells. Because of this, it’s especially important for expectant mothers to consume enough folic acid. Your doctor may prescribe a prenatal vitamin which will include this important nutrient. Adults need 400mcg of folate, and pregnant women need 600mcg per day.

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6. Iron
Iron is a crucial mineral that our bodies need to make hemoglobin and myoglobin, which help to carry oxygen from our lungs to the rest of the body. Iron is also part of many enzymes which help our bodies to digest food and perform many other functions. Iron deficiency is most common in young women and while fatigue is the most well-known symptom, difficulties with pregnancy and infants’ health are other potential concerns. There are two types of iron in the diet: heme and nonheme. Heme iron is better absorbed by the body and is found in animal sources such as meat, poultry and fish while non-heme iron is found in plant and dairy foods such as eggs and fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains. How much iron does your body need? Men need 8mg a day, women 18mg and pregnant women require 27mg a day of iron.

7. Vitamin C
One out of four Americans still are not getting enough vitamin C. This important nutrient is responsible for making collagen, improving iron absorption and keeping our immunity top-notch. Vitamin C is also an antioxidant, so it helps the body fight free radicals. Some research (although not conclusive) suggests that vitamin C may reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease and age-related macular degeneration. So, how much do you need? Women should aim for 75mg and men, 90mg per day. You can find vitamin C in many fruits and vegetables including citrus fruits (such as oranges and grapefruit), peppers, strawberries, cantaloupe, kiwifruit, tomatoes and baked potatoes. Some beverages are also fortified with vitamin C.

The original article “11 Nutrients Americans Aren’t Getting Enough Of" appeared on LIVESTRONG.COM.

By Kelly Plowe, M.S., RD, CSSD

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