6 Coloring Books Adults Can Go Crazy For

Who said coloring was only for kids?

Experts say that the popular children’s pastime could also hold benefits for adults due to its stress-relieving effects. But who among the over-10 set actually wants to color cartoon animals, princesses, or superheroes?

Enter adult coloring books. They are “essentially a form of occupational therapy — using arts and crafts to bind anxiety, calm the mind, and zone out from the stresses of life,” psychologist Guy Winch PhD, Yahoo Health advisory board member and author of Emotional First Aid: Healing Rejection, Guile, Failure, and Other Everyday Hurts, explains to Yahoo Health.

“Psychologically speaking, people would get roughly the same ‘therapeutic effect’ from coloring books their older kids might use but of course, most adults would feel awkward laboring over an image of a princess riding a horse on the beach, regardless of how complex the pattern of wave coloring is,” Winch says.

Above, find six coloring books created for adults. Happy coloring!

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