5 Health Reasons Why You Should Have More Sex


It’s a well-known fact that most men don’t need more reasons to have sex, but how many guys actually stop to think about the fact that sex could play a key role in their overall health and well-being? (Photo: Getty Images)

Regular sexual activity is more than recreational; good sexual health is vital to a man’s overall physical, psychological and emotional health. Sex can potentially benefit everything from a man’s short-term mood, to longer-term issues like cardiovascular health and the reduced risk of prostate cancer.

In addition, sex is a cost-effective and enjoyable way to ensure your long-term health. It’s cheaper than a gym membership and a lot better for your waistline than a nightly six pack. With the average man being more mindful than ever about both his budget and his health, sex might be just what the doctor ordered.

Here are 5 reasons sex makes men healthier – so get busy tonight.

1. Calorie Burn

While sex alone may not be enough to create bulging biceps and washboard abs, intercourse definitely gets the blood pumping by raising the heart rate and burning calories. Estimates show that an average session between the sheets can burn 85 to upwards of 200 calories in 30 minutes. If you spent half an hour having sex daily, that could lead to a weight loss of 10 pounds or more over the course of a year. And it’s hopefully more fun than a run on the treadmill.

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2. Strength Training

In addition to burning calories, sex aids in testosterone production, which can strengthen bones and muscles. Testosterone is also responsible for maintaining healthy energy levels, mood, fertility, and sexual desire. So having sex today could help keep your sex drive up down the road. Decreasing testosterone levels, known as andropause or male menopause, can result in a number of side effects including decreased libido, fatigue and depression, among others.

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3. Cancer Prevention

A number of studies show that men who ejaculate on a regular basis are more than 30% less likely to develop prostate cancer.  Regular ejaculation, whether from intercourse or masturbation, help flush out the prostate, which may help curb the development of prostate cancer.

4. Improved Cardiovascular Health

Because sex is a good form of exercise, it makes sense that it would positively impact the health of your heart. A study from Queens University shows that men who have sex more than three times a week cut their risk of heart attack and stroke in half. Sex has also been shown to lower blood pressure, which further accounts for the overall positive impact on cardiovascular health.

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5. Stress Relief

The decreased blood pressure that can result from sex could help lower your stress level. Various study participants have been shown to have a smaller rise in blood pressure during stressful situations after sex, as compared to other test subjects. Moreover, sex releases feel-good endorphins that can help lower anxiety. Who doesn’t want to forget about a tough day at the office with a good roll in the hay?

This article was written by Dr. Phil Nguyen, M.D. and originally posted on AskMen.

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