4 Unhealthy Holiday Dishes And What to Eat Instead

It’s no fun — and sometimes nearly impossible — to skip all of the delicious indulgences at your holiday dinner. But some foods are best left off your plate. That doesn’t have to dampen the holiday spirit, though, because there are easy swaps to be made for each potential diet wrecker.


(Photo: David Smith/Getty Images)

1. Glazed Ham
Sweet and savory glazed ham can usually be found next to turkey and stuffing on dinner tables all over America during the holidays. Unfortunately, this holiday favorite is a salt and sugar bomb. Nutrition expert Rima Kleiner says that ham cured with salt and glazed with sugar leads to a high-sodium, high-sugar dish. Each 4-ounce slice — a small serving — contains around 200 calories, 4 grams of fat, 9 grams of sugar and a frightening 1,040 milligrams of sodium. THE SWAP: “Stick with roasted turkey, roasted chicken without skin or fish or ham without salt and sugar,” says Kleiner. If you’re craving a sweet meat dish, serve your meat of choice alongside a fresh fruit compote or fruit salsa for tangy goodness without guilt.

READ MORE: Best Paleo Holiday Recipes


(Photo: Brent Hofacker/Getty Images)

2. Eggnog
It might be one of the most popular drinks of the holiday season, but eggnog is also one of the most caloric ones. Kleiner warns that one cup of this sweet, whipped cream, egg and bourbon mixture typically contains about 350 calories, 150 milligrams of cholesterol and 20 grams of sugar. THE SWAP: “Choose apple cider or make your own eggnog using skim milk, pasteurized egg whites and nutmeg to drastically reduce calories and fat,” she says. These substitutions can put a healthy spin on this traditional beverage and you won’t feel like you’re missing out on a holiday favorite.

READ MORE: 10 Holiday Cocktails Under 200 Calories


(Photo: msheldrake/Getty Images)

3. Sweet Potato Pie with Marshmallow Meringue
Although sweet potatoes can be a healthy dish — one serving of sweet potatoes contains two times the amount of your daily requirement for vitamin A — adding them to pies and other desserts can create a dieter’s dilemma. Austin nutritionist Dr. Blessing Anyatonwu warns that one slice of sweet potato pie with marshmallow meringue topping can contain more than 500 calories and is packed with sugar and fat. THE SWAP: If you desire a little bit of this traditional taste during the holidays, try baked sweet potatoes with a small pat of butter and some cinnamon, brown sugar and spices to curb the craving without the guilt.

READ MORE: Paleo Pumpkin Pie Recipes with a Secret Ingredient


(Photo: Brent Hofacker/Getty Images)

4. Mashed Potatoes
Creamy mashed potatoes are a holiday standard. However, most mashed potatoes have added butter and cream that drown the nutrients of potatoes in fat and calories. According to Dr. Anyatonwu, mashed potatoes contain about 237 calories and nearly 9 grams of fat per one-cup serving — and that isn’t counting gravy. Although some fats are a healthy part of your diet, Anyatonwu warns that eating too much fat can increase inflammation and may lead to an increased risk of heart disease, high cholesterol and unwanted weight gain. THE SWAP: Explore alternative mashed potato recipes that use skim milk or broth instead of cream and butter. You can save around 80 calories and 8 grams of fat.

READ MORE: 16 Diet-Friendly, Healthful Carbs

So, what’s your plan of attack for braving the festive fare at parties and work and around just about every corner this season? Which holiday dishes tempt you the most? Are any of the foods on this list among your personal favorites? Do you try to prepare a more healthy version of them? If so, what are your tips? Leave a comment below and let us know!

By Sara Schapmann

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