120 Pounds Lost: Woman Learns Happiness Is More Than Being Skinny


(Photos: Courtesy of Cat Elliott)

Name: Cat Elliott
Age: 25
Location: Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Height: 5’ 5”
Before: 240 lbs.
After: 120 lbs.

What was the turning point that prompted you to lose weight?

I was depressed and suicidal and I turned to food instead of self-harming behaviors. I ate in order to feel better about myself and this habit grew out of control. My life ended up feeling empty and meaningless. I isolated myself as much as possible because I couldn’t handle the anxiety and depression that came with how embarrassed I felt. My weight got so out of control that basic, everyday tasks became difficult. In order to put my shoes on I had to sit down because my stomach was in the way of me reaching my feet. One day, something finally snapped in me. I saw my reflection in the mirror and my stomach rolls overhung so much that I was unable to see the sides of my underwear. At that moment, I broke. I looked myself in the eyes as I cried uncontrollably and made a promise to myself that I would lose the weight. I was more concerned about being skinny, pretty, and “normal” than I was about being healthy. I don’t think that being healthy even crossed my mind. I just desperately wanted to be skinnier.

Related: Why “Eating in Moderation” Is Meaningless Advice

When did you start trying to lose weight?

I began losing weight in March of 2009 and initially lost about 90 pounds in 12 months. After gaining back 30 pounds from bad habits, I took a slower healthier approach and this time, I lost around 60 pounds over a 12-month period.

How did you get started?

I began a not-so-healthy weight-loss plan. I yo-yo dieted and would starve myself after regular binging sessions. But I was so proud of my new body and I had a newfound confidence that I had never possessed before. I began to party and drink, which took on an unhealthy life of its own.

What was your biggest challenge?

My biggest challenge was dealing with my drinking after I lost weight initially. It was a rough time in my life where I began gaining weight again and embarrassing myself with my drinking habits. I was fortunate enough to have someone close to me help me wake up and realize what I was doing. I began to re-evaluate my life and figure out how I was going to get it back on track – this time permanently. So I began slowly. I made the decision to change my lifestyle and what I ate. No more diets – just real food. No harsh restrictions. No body hating and shaming. Instead, I listened to what my body wanted and needed. I began to notice my depression was beginning to ease and with each positive life decision I made, it gradually improved.

Related: 10 Ways to Stay Accountable for Weight Loss

Were there any times when you wanted to quit or give up? How did you stay motivated?

There were so many times I wanted to give up. For a few months, it was daily. I had that negative self-talk telling me I couldn’t do it and that I would never get there. I used this as motivation to prove myself wrong. I made sure I got outside and went for walks, ate well, and slept well. I exercised in the morning as this made the rest of my day run smoothly. I also used a lot of motivational images. I put a big collage of myself up in my bedroom with pictures of me looking my best and my worst and used these to push me to keep going.

If you reached a weight loss plateau, how did you break out of the rut?

If I reached a plateau I re-evaluated what I was eating. Sometimes healthy treats had begun sneaking back in daily (I learned that while healthy, you can actually overdo it on dates and nuts!), and sometimes I realized I actually wasn’t eating enough. I also made sure I had enough variety in my exercise routine and that I was allowing my body enough rest time so that it was able to recover properly – this was one of the biggest things I learned. You can actually halt your weight loss efforts by putting too much strain on your body.

What’s your current exercise routine?

My routine varies a lot. I like to listen to what my body wants to do, especially depending on the time of year. At the moment it usually includes HIIT workouts, yoga, long hikes and runs, bike rides, and walks with my dog.

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What’s your daily diet look like?

My daily diet consists of real, natural food and also varies depending on what’s going on and what season it is. Breakfast begins with warm water and lemon juice followed by a green smoothie and then a big pot of green tea with grated ginger. For a snack, I’ll make chia pudding or veggies and homemade dip. Lunch is usually my biggest meal. I’ll have something like beans and roasted veggies with leafy greens and quinoa. For an afternoon snack, I’ll make a raw dessert or chickpea “nuts”, and dinner is usually loads of leafy greens with some wild salmon and roasted veggies.

What’s your favorite healthy snack and meal?

This is a hard one! My favorite snacks are nut butter with grain-free bread or fruit and veggies or some sauerkraut with olive oil and seeds. And my favorite dinner would either be homemade Pad Thai or a quinoa and veggie mix.

Related: Foods to Fuel Your Workout

How has losing weight changed your life?

Losing weight has changed my life beyond words. It has given me my life back: I am happier and healthier and a nicer person to be around. It prompted me to change careers from psychology to health coaching, which is something I am truly passionate about – helping other woman lose weight and get their lives back.

Do you have any advice for those trying to lose weight?

Even when it feels like there is no light at the end of the tunnel or when you have a complete breakdown and feel like giving up, if you truly want to heal yourself and change your life, you can do it if you just keep pushing through. No matter what, you get to choose how you live your life. You get to make the decisions when it comes to your health, your body, and your life. Never give up on yourself. You will get there!

By Cat Elliott, special to Everyday Health


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This article originally appeared on EverydayHealth.com: 120 Pounds Lost: Cat Learns Happiness Is Much More Than Being Skinny