11 Simple Snacks Weight-Loss Experts Swear By


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Cravings: They’re the deathtrap of any diet.

You can start the day with a perfect game plan and a solemn vow of self-discipline, but when a bout of hunger strikes, all the willpower and good intentions in the world are no match for the siren song of Cinnabon.

So we wondered: What do the most successful dieters in the world—the people who keep not only themselves, but also their clients, on track—do when they get the munchies? Here, we’ve stolen their secrets so you can race toward your weight-loss goals without getting sidelined by snacking. And for more help—including detailed diet plans and the latest in fat-shredding science—check out the all-new Eat This, Not That! complete guide to weight loss.


Slim-Down Snack #11

Faux Fro-Yo

“When I need to take off a few extra pounds, I mix five ounces of plain Greek Yogurt with a packet of Stevia, half a cup of raspberries and a tablespoon of carob chips. The mini-meal has a total of 150 calories, a whopping 15 grams of protein and at least 5 grams of fiber. It doesn’t get much better than that.”—Lisa Moskovitz, R.D., founder of Manhattan-based private practice, The NY Nutrition Group

Slim-Down Snack #10

15-Second Cheese Melt

“When I’m in the mood for something creamy, I take one piece of pre-sliced, low-fat cheese like mozzarella or Monterey Jack, cut it into four equal squares and use it to top four wheat crackers. Cracked Pepper and Olive Oil Triscuits work great for this. Pop the cheese and crackers into the microwave for about 15 seconds. This gooey, whole grain ‘treat’ serves up eight grams of protein and comes in around 200 calories.”—Christine M. Palumbo, MBA, RDN, FAND, a Chicago area registered dietitian and nutrition communications consultant.

Only have 15 seconds? That’s fine. Just incorporate these 9 ways to lose weight when you’re crazy busy!


Slim-Down Snack #9

Hunger-Crusher Dip

“When I’m trying to trim down, I snack on a cup of sliced, raw carrots, zucchini, cucumbers and red peppers, paired with a dip made from two tablespoons of avocado, 1/3 cup of Greek yogurt and two tablespoons of salsa. This voluminous, vibrant snack has no more than 110 calories, yet still provides the belly-filling magic of 5 grams of both fiber and protein.”—Lisa Moskovitz

Slim-Down Snack #8

Lean-Body Crackers

“A handful of Snapea Crisps provides a whopping five grams of protein and four grams of fiber for a mere 110 calories. Plus, this snack is non-perishable so it can be easily eaten just about anywhere.”—Lisa De Fazio, MS, RD, Los Angeles-based Registered Dietitian

Slim-Down Snack #7

Flax Snax

“When I’m looking to get a little leaner, I reach for raw flax crackers topped with avocado. I prefer raw flax crackers over the wheat variety because they don’t contain gluten, which can make me a little puffy. They are also intensely rich in omega-3s, which helps produce radiant skin and a faster brain!”—Dana James, nutritionist and founder of Food Coach NYC

How do you satisfy your crunchy cravings guilt-free? Start with this Eat This, Not That! definitive list of the 50 Best Snacks for Weight Loss.


Slim-Down Snack #6

Sweet ‘n chewy fruit

“When hunger or a craving for something sweet strikes, I enjoy five no sugar-added dried plums. They have a delicious, intense flavor and are really filling. Since they are easy to keep in the car’s glove box, they’re also great as an on-the-go snack.”—Christine M. Palumbo, MBA, RDN, FAND, a Chicago area registered dietitian and nutrition communications consultant.

Slim-Down Snack #5

Tropical trail mix

“One of my favorite slim down snacks is a mix of Brazil nuts, goji berries and unsweetened coconut flakes. This selenium-rich combination helps boost the metabolism—plus, they taste amazing together!”—Dana James

Slim-Down Snack #4

Sin-Free Cookies

“I love Quest Bars because they are low in sugar and calories, but high in protein and fiber. With delicious flavors like Cookies and Cream and Chocolate Chip Cookie, they also satisfy my sweet tooth!”—Lauren Minchen MPH, RDN, CDN, a Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist based in New York City

Chocolate chip cookies would go amazingly with one of the 4 teas that melt fat.


Slim-Down Snack #3

Magic turkey wrap

“Sliced turkey wrapped around a dill pickle always hits the spot when I’m in the mood for something salty. The protein from the turkey also helps tide me over until my next meal.”—Lisa De Fazio

Slim-Down Snack #2

Cheesy popcorn

“I try to make sure my in-between-meals noshing to no more than 150 calories and follows my own personal ‘rule of 5,’ meaning my snack must have at least 5 grams of fiber and 5 grams of protein. For a salty and crunchy fix that fits the bill, I’ll have three cups of air-popped plain popcorn sprinkled with 2.5 tablespoons of grated parmesan”—Lisa Moskovitz

Slim-Down Snack #1


“When hunger strikes between meals, I like eating a protein-filled hard-boiled egg sprinkled with salt and pepper. I often munch on a half cup of carrot sticks as well to get in some satiating fiber. This satisfying 100-calorie combo helps tame my hunger.”—Michelle Loy, MPH, MS, CSSD, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and owner of Go Wellness in Orange County, California

Now that you know what the pros eat, find out which belly-bulgers they avoid with the 11 foods and drinks diet experts won’t touch.

Your Next Read: 8 Ways to Lose Weight Before Noon

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14 Ways to Wake Up with Zero Belly

7 Daily Bad Habits That Slow Metabolism

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PLUS: Eat what you want—and watch the pounds disappear—with the new Eat This, Not That 2015 book, available now.
