10 Ways to Cook with Root Vegetable Greens

Visiting the farmers market in the wintertime is a wise choice for many reasons: There’s still plenty to stock up on (dry goods, meats and cheeses, interesting greens …and yes, root vegetables); local farmers need your support year-round; and as a bonus, you’re less likely to get elbowed as you make your way through the aisles.


Gather your beets. (Photo: James Ransom/Food52)

But even if you try to do as much of your shopping at the market as possible, sometimes it’s still necessary to head to your local grocery store. There, not only will you find your produce getting pampered with a tropical misting, you’ll find that root vegetables—a storage crop this time of year—still have their green tops.

So you might have missed out on the opportunity to interact with your favorite purveyor of beets this time around, but don’t miss out on putting an unexpected gift of greens to waste. Just pretend it’s September and cook your way through these 10 recipes for root vegetable leaves:

Beet Greens


Don’t throw away the greens! (Photo: James Ransom/Food52)

1. Milk-Braised Beet Greens


Do something different from the usual olive oil and sauté. (Photo: James Ransom/Food52)

2. Warm Beet Greens with Sour Cream Dressing


Sour cream dressing is a mix you should invest in. (Photo: Food52)

3. Red Lentil Soup with Beet Greens


This is a hearty soup with flavorful spices and Indian influence. (Photo: James Ransom/Food52)

4. Moroccan Beet Greens


When in doubt, add a fried egg! (Photo: James Ransom/Food52)

Turnip Greens


Turn-up time with turnips. (Photo: James Ransom/Food52)

5. Turnip Green Gomae


Turn this Japanese appetizer into your weekday lunch. (Photo: James Ransom/Food52)

6. Turnip Greens Frittata


An easy way to use up your fresh turnip greens. (Photo: James Ransom/Food52)

Radish Greens


Radish greens, here we come. (Photo: Alexandra Stafford/Food52)

7. Radish Top Soup and Slow-Roasted Radish Roots with Fennel


Turn the humble radish into a restaurant approved dish. (Photo: James Ransom/Food52)

8. Pan-Braised Radishes and Greens


Caught in a winter meal slog? Brighten up your menu with this salad. (Photo: Alexandra Stafford/Food52)

Carrot Greens


Take a cue from rabbits. (Photo: Bobbi Lin/Food52)

9. Roasted Carrots with Carrot Top Pesto and Burrata


When life gives you carrot tops, make pesto. (Photo: James Ransom/Food52)

10. Fried Greens Meatlessballs


A recipe perfect enough for your incoming CSA. (Photo: Alexandra Stafford/Food52)

By Lindsay-Jean Hard.