
'Historic' and 'radical': Ketanji Brown Jackson's confirmation to the Supreme Court spurs wide reaction

WASHINGTON – Ketanji Brown Jackson's confirmation Thursday as the first Black woman to the U.S. Supreme Court drew a raft of responses.

Black lawmakers called her a model of inspiration. Civil rights groups said it was long overdue. Conservatives said she would be among the most liberal, out-of-touch justices ever to ascend to the high court.

What was evident is the strong reaction Jackson provoked from admirers and critics alike. Here are a few of them:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.

“During her nomination process, Judge Jackson demonstrated the magnificence of her legal mind, her unyielding commitment to justice and her remarkable poise. In her appearances before the Judiciary Committee and in meetings with Senators, she earned bipartisan recognition of her excellence. On the bench, Judge Jackson will be a relentless defender of individual rights and the rule of law. American families will greatly benefit from her extensive courtroom experience and background as a public defender that she will bring to the Court."

Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell

“Even as a violent crime wave sweeps America, Democrats are pursuing a nationwide campaign to make the justice system softer on crime. They’re stacking the deck with far-left prosecutors, woke warriors at the Department of justice and federal judges who believe criminals deserve lighter treatment. This project is terrible for innocent American families. And every piece of evidence suggests Democrats view Judge Jackson as its crown jewel.”

Congressional Black Caucus Chairperson Joyce Beatty

“Today is a moment of historic consequence. Her judicial temperament and keen legal skills will make her a Justice, of which all America proud. As she makes history today, she stands on the shoulders of the Black female trailblazers who came before her. And today, we sent a message to Black women and little girls, like my granddaughter Leah. Anything is possible. This is our power and our message.”

Vermont Independent Sen. Bernie Sanders

"We need members of the Supreme Court who have a strong track record of standing up for justice – economic justice, racial justice, social justice, political justice, and environmental justice. There is no doubt Judge Jackson is that person. I was proud to vote to confirm her."

Alaska GOP Sen. Lisa Murkowski (one of three Republicans to vote to confirm Jackson)

"The confirmation of Judge Jackson is one that will help to ensure that the face of the United States Supreme Court is more representative of the American people. I think that that is important. But we also want to make sure that it is about the qualifications."

Working Families Party National Director Maurice Mitchell

"Her strong record on the federal bench and her experience as a public defender position her to be a crucial voice for working people in an increasingly right-wing and reactionary Supreme Court. At a time when the Supreme Court is preparing to make decisions on reproductive health, climate change, voting rights, and workers’ rights, her perspective has never been more necessary."


History in the making: Ketanji Brown Jackson confirmed by Senate as first Black woman on Supreme Court

Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel

“Biden’s pick Ketanji Brown Jackson is a radical, activist judge, one who failed to answer simple questions on her record, including leniency for child porn offenders and support of CRT. Jackson has proved to be in lockstep with the far left’s political agenda, even refusing to define what a woman is. The RNC will hold Democrats accountable this November for supporting Biden’s radical pick.”

Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner, president of the African American Mayors Association

“As African-American mayors, we are well aware of the importance of representation in a society that seeks to ensure everyone can thrive. We are excited about Judge Jackson’s confirmation because we understand that her breadth and depth of legal experience, lived experiences and deep commitment to equal justice will ensure all Americans, no matter their race or background, are better represented on the highest court."

Florida GOP Sen. Rick Scott (who chairs the National Republican Senatorial Committee, the GOP campaign arm)

“Today’s confirmation of Ketanji Brown Jackson reflects the continued danger of a Democrat-controlled Senate. KBJ is outside the mainstream on many legal issues and failed to give satisfactory answers to some very basic questions during her hearing, such as why she was consistently lenient on child sexual predators. Radical Senate Democrats have consistently voted however Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer ask them to. Today is no different.”

Ketanji Brown Jackson gets emotional during hearings
Ketanji Brown Jackson gets emotional during hearings

League of Women Voters Board President Deborah Turner and CEO Virginia Kase Solomón

“Without a doubt, Judge Jackson’s appointment is a historic confirmation. We hope this will be a turning point in America and will set a precedent for a more diverse court and more equitable judicial system. We believe that women hold the power to create a more perfect democracy. We look forward to seeing the impact Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s perspective will have on voting rights and democracy as the next Supreme Court Justice of the United States.”

Idaho GOP Sen. James Risch (who voted against her)

"I take seriously the advice and consent role of the U.S. Senate, and value judges who interpret the Constitution through originalism and do not legislate from the bench. Judge Jackson’s past rulings as a lone-court judge demonstrate a commitment to make new law rather than interpret the Constitution as originally written. Additionally, her past pro-abortion and pro-labor union rulings make clear she will not decide cases before the Supreme Court in a conservative manner."

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: KBJ confirmation: Bernie Sanders, Congressional Black Caucus react