What to Eat During the Lunar Eclipse

Tuesday morning, the moon will be eclipsed by Earth’s shadow. Totally eclipsed—not just a slice—which means, says NASA, the moon will take on a copper-red tint. It’s called (cue freaky horror film music): a blood moon, and there will be four of them over the next year and a half.

“Before the dawn of the 20th century, there was a 300-year period when there were none,” NASA eclipse expert Fred Espenak said in a prepared statement. “Zero.” Wrote CNN: “That would mean that neither Sir Isaac Newton, Mozart, Queen Anne, George Washington, Napoleon, Abraham Lincoln nor their contemporaries ever had a chance to see one.” And you get to see four!

Tuesday’s eclipse will begin at 3:06 a.m. EDT and end at 4:24 a.m. EDT. That’s 78 minutes. So here’s what to fix yourself for snacking in your lawn chair.


Moon pies. Photo credit: © StockFood / Firmston, Victoria

If You Want to Go Literal: Blood sausage, which, yes, is made with meat and dried blood, and moon pies.


Red sangria. Photo credit: Everyday Food

If You Want to Go Thematic: Start off with a little red sangria. Then, some pasta with simple tomato sauce or—bonus points, here—a homemade pizza for its moon-like shape. Finish with wither red velvet cakes or some ice cream with berries. GET IT?! It’s all red.


Red sangria. Photo credit: Everyday Food

If You Want to Go by Time: Champagne and popcorn at 3:00 a.m. It’s festive. A vidalia onion salad at 3:30 a.m. (They’re in season.) A nice flank steak, prepared ahead of time, at 4:00a.m. Just because. And an Old-Fashioned at 4:30 a.m., to bid the blood moon adieu.