What Happens When You Eat ‘Star Wars’-Inspired Foods

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away….

Sure, you claim to be the ultimate Star Wars fan. But have you gone so far as to eat Star Wars-inspired foods? Buzzfeed went there in this hilarious taste test video.

The seventh installment of the Star Wars franchise, The Force Awakens, is expected to hit theaters this December. But until the long-awaited Episode VII drops, we can always release our inner space nerd by eating these nostalgic snacks… or watching people eat them.

There’s cereal served with blue milk, the staple drink of the galaxy, and juicy fruit snacks (which could possibly pass as a Jedi superfood). Things get a little more interesting when the testers are introduced to light saber candy suckers that glow in the dark. “This is not for eating, this is for play only,” one says after a brief mini light saber match. That whole “don’t play with your food” spiel clearly doesn’t apply here.

Last but not least comes Imperial Stout Trooper beer, which received positive reviews across the board. “Chewbacca would drink this,” someone presumed. Would you?

Watch some more taste tests:

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