Is This the One Trick for Juicier Chicken Breasts?

The real secret to juicy chicken breasts isn’t some fancy technique or kitchen hack, says Kitchen Conundrums host Thomas Joseph. In this video, he says that his trick is to purchase bone-in, skin-on chicken breasts instead of the standard boneless, skinless variety.

Sure, there are some fabulous skinless, boneless chicken breast recipes around, but cooking a bone-in breast with its skin intact effectively seals moisture inside and prevents the meat from becoming dry and overcooked, Joseph tells us.

And he has one more tip: “Whenever we roast, we typically do it on a wire rack so that there’s even air flow and air circulation around the meat,” he says in the video, which “helps to cook it at a nice even rate.” That’s good news to anyone who’s ever wound up with a cooked-on-top-and-not-on-the-bottom bit of bird.

Want skinless chicken breasts? Just discard the skin before serving. (Of course, in moderation, a bit of crackly, unctuous chicken skin never hurt anybody.)

More chicken recipes:

Little French Kitchen’s gorgeously-colored red wine roast chicken

Nom Nom Paleo’s sticky orange Sriracha chicken

The tastiest buttermilk fried chicken ever

What’s your favorite chicken recipe? Tell us below!