(Temporary) Recipe Tattoos Are Silly and We Don't Care


All photos credit: I Tradizionali

Sure, a good cookbook is a wonderful thing, but there’s also something irresistibly adorable about these temporary recipe tattoos from a pair of young Italian designers.

OK, the “I Tradizionali" temporary tattoo series is a little twee. And yeah, tattoos may not be the most practical conveyance for recipes. (What happens if there are multiple steps?!) But gosh darn it, we’re tickled by these well-designed tats from Marina Cinciripini and Sarah Richiuso.


"Not only does the tattoo emphasize the common gesture of ‘rolling-up one’s sleeves’ before cooking, but it also helps the cook to remember the order in which the recipe is to be prepared," explains the product’s website. That means fewer grubby fingers messing up laptops or book pages during cooking.

The tattoos are applied like most other temporary tats: Place the tattoo paper on the skin, illustration-side down, and carefully wet the area using a damp towel. Then gently peel away the paper to transfer the image.

Cinciripini and Richiuso are currently raising funds to produce and distribute the tattoo series on the crowdsourcing site Eppela, but they still have a ways to go. Click here to lend them a (tattooed) hand.


[via PSFK]