#Scandal: Where to Buy Olivia Pope’s Wine Glasses


No spoiler alerts ahead! (In case you didn’t watch last night’s show yet.)

If you’re a fan of “Scandal,” you know half the fun is live Tweeting while curled up on the couch watching the show. One of the popular topics during all the Twitter back and forth last night for the season premiere was… Olivia Pope’s wine glasses!

The exact item is the long-stemmed “Camille” 23-ounce red wine glass from Crate & Barrel. Price: $14.95. Thanks to the show and to Olivia’s frequent red wine consumption, the glasses have garnered an enthusiastic following: As of press time, the Camille had 232 reviews and a 4.8 star rating on the Crate & Barrel site. Most of the reviews, predictably, come from die-hard Scandalites who wouldn’t dream of drinking their Bordeaux out of anything else each Thursday night.

Wine expert and Grapefriend.com founder Alyssa Vitrano warns not to give yourself too generous a pour because the thin-stemmed glasses are top-heavy. “As you drink throughout the show and maybe get buzzed, you could topple it over,” says Vitrano. “But that’s not Olivia’s style clearly because she’s so in control of everything and always wears white.”