Reese Witherspoon Would Serve Lasagna to All the Female Senators

Reese Witherspoon: Vogue October cover girl, “Wild" star, and fried chicken lover.

Like any good Southern host, Witherspoon served her grandmother’s sweet tea to Vogue's “73 Questions” videographers when they visited her Los Angeles home recently. She also admitted her abiding love for fried chicken, her disdain for pickles, and the coolest thing about being a mom: “You get to eat fun things, like chicken fingers.” (Man, she really likes chicken.)

Other very important things she told the camera:

* She likes pepperoni on her pizza.

* Her favorite restaurant is Santa Monica’s Ivy at the Shore.

* Coffee is the first thing she thinks about in the morning.

* If she were a hop-hop artist, her stage name would be Little Spoon.

* Her idea of Southern hospitality? “Where everybody belongs.”

* Recommended follow on Instagram: Tuna Melts My Heart. Despite what its name suggests, it’s neither about fish nor sandwiches.

* If she could have anyone over for dinner, she’d invite all of the female senators for lasagna and they’d talk about why there aren’t more female senators. They’d finish with a dessert of snow cones.

Reese, we hope your dinner party dreams come true, and if we may suggest a recipe, this Lasagna with Turkey Sausage Bolognese is the ultimate people- (and, we imagine senator-) pleaser.