Pizza Lovers Jay-Z and Beyonce Go Vegan for 22 Days

Photo credit: Getty Images.

It’s one thing for Al Gore to go vegan. It make sense for a guy who has talked the talk about eating less meat to walk the walk and start minimizing his carbon footprint.

But Jay-Z has now decided to go vegan for 22 days, taking Beyonce with him, in celebration of his 44th birthday.

Huh? As he explains on his blog: “There’s something spiritual to me about… the serendipity behind the number of days in this challenge; 22 (2+2=4) coupled with the fact that the challenge ends on Christmas day… It just feels right!” Oh, OK.

If you bump into the rapper/producer/entrepreneur around town, know that he prefers the term “plant-based” for his new routine. And maybe don’t mention pizza. He and B are so smitten with Brooklyn pizzeria Lucali that its owner reportedly hustled a table of “civilian” diners out of their chairs in order to make it available to the power couple. And Jay-Z has gone on and on about the place’s pies.

Best of luck to these two! We’ll be curious to see if they make it. Pizza’s got a curious power, after all.

[via the Los Angeles Times]