People: Just Make Your Own Soda

Sooooooo the caramel coloring in soda is bad for you. Maybe?

"The Food and Drug Administration says there’s no reason to believe that the coloring added to sodas is unsafe," reports the Associated Press. “But the agency is taking another look just to make sure.”

You can read the rest of the article for the details, but people: why not just avoid the whole shebang and make your own sodas? Ones devoid of any weird, unnatural dye stuff? We get that it takes some doing, but you’ll learn a new skill, and you’ll be healthier. So try these:

Orange-Ginger-Mint Soda


Photo credit: Food52

Concord Grape and Lemon Soda


Photo credit: Food52

Celery Soda


Photo credit: Food52

Pomegranate Soda


Photo credit: Everyday Food

Cola Syrup

Photo credit: Phil Kline for The New York Times