Painterly Chocolate Bars Are Edible Works of Art


All photos credit: Unelefante

True chocolate lovers will tell you that a great bar of chocolate is a work of art, but never has the statement been more true: Gaze upon these gloriously dramatic bars from Mexican chocolate shop Unelefante, which are almost too beautiful to eat. Almost.

The “Pollock" chocolate bar series, which takes its inspiration from splatter paintings by abstract expressionist artist Jackson Pollock, is especially dazzling. The bars are 54 percent cacao, hand-painted, and are wrapped in equally gorgeous packaging. (Sadly, Unelefante only ships to locations within Mexico at the moment, where they’ll run you about $32.)


We’re also entranced by a colorful chocolate bark bar whimsically named “The Secret Garden,” which goes for $35. ”It’s very feminine,” Unelefante owner Tatiana Sánchez told the website Knstrct. “It has crystallized flower petals, cardamom, and pieces of dry apricots and pistachios.”

Talk about a feast for all the senses. Someone convince Sánchez to sell these babies in the states!


[via That’s Nerdalicious]