Instagram #Food Photos Not of Food

There are so many photos tagged #food on Instagram, the phenomenon has earned its own angry open letter (“I think it’s best, especially in the interest of honesty and my mounting rage, to tell you that no, no, I really, truly, absolutely, do not care about you or your food. I don’t. Sorry.”). There have to be a lot of #food photos to garner that kind of wrath.

It’s more than enough photographic food documentation to serve as a holiday distraction, perfect for lazily skimming over the break, just when Aunt Edna is about to feed you her special cream of mushroom casserole, and you want to daydream about tastier things. Right?

But what really shows up when you do that search? Apparently folks are tagging some mighty-non-food things with #food in order to get your attention. Below, a few examples of what we found in the Instagram #food bait and switch.

Train Tracks


This Guy—and His Tiger!




Complicated Selfies!


Awkward Empowerment Slogans!


Serious Soccer Players!


Santa Nail Art!

… and many, many more. Don’t fret, folks. If all this tagging dissimulation (“tagulation?”) makes you…


… you can always search the #foodporn tag, which seems to weirdly get you more pretty food dishes. Now, go enjoy that casserole.