Hungry for Lena Dunham?


Photo credit: Alpha Smoot/Cherry Bombe

Funny lady Lena Dunham’s literary debut, “Not That Kind of Girl,” hits shelves Tuesday, September 30, and we’re pumped. Based on the excerpts that have run so far, we have a feeling Dunham will dish about her experiences with food and diet. Check back here tomorrow for Yahoo Food’s “book report.”

In the meantime, gaze upon the glory that is the cake-ified version of Dunham’s book, which Cherry Bombe Magazine baked up for its November issue. We think Lena would approve, because she’s all about balance when it comes to eating.

Consider the wisdom she offers in an episode of her (seriously hilarious) advice series: “[I’ve] been a bunch of different weights. And being temporarily 135 pounds, I was so obsessed with food—I was, like, so into counting almonds that I don’t think I got laid that entire time. Whereas, when I was at my biggest and running around Brooklyn in a romper, it was raining men.”

Preach it, Lena.